Splinterlands | Giant Squid Challenge

in Splinterlands4 years ago

The card this week which was highlighted in the Share Your Battle Challenge is the Giant Squid from the Water Summoner which is clearly one of the weaker cards on the game at the higher ranks.

I didn't own a Giant Squid and bought one on the market to test it out. Just by the looks of it, it seems like a card which is quite good for the lower leagues as it had 2 damage and also armor. At the higher levels, the 2 ranged damage along with low health and a very specific ability just doesn't cut it compared to the other 5 Mana cards that are available. I played a handful of matches trying to get a win with it but it was honestly hopeless even if I would have the card at Level 5.

The specific rules I can see this card somewhat useful is the reverse speed as it only has 1. The Blind Ability could come in with now Sneak/snipe rules but even then, there are better options for that.

Even when the rules fitted the card (low speed and Magic Hot armor), I still got totally trashed because of the 2 ranged damage being just completely useless. The Chain Golem with low Speed, armor and void in the first position is perfect for this rule as it fully counters magic. I used the Lord Arianthus in 2nd position and lots of heal in 3rd and 4th spot with crustacean King and Albatross followed by the Giant Squid and finally the Naga Wind Master to destroy shields and counter Ranged damage in the last place.

The opponent (rank 3900+) just destroyed me as I was unable to break through his first level 4 Lord Arianthus lacking the ranged damage. I didn't want to destroy my ranking taking one loss after another with this cards so for the first time in these weekly battle challenges I gave up early after a couple of tries. Hopefully next week there will be a more useful card highlited.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges
Splinterlands | Serpentine Spy Challenge
Splinterlands | Goblin Mech Challenge
Splinterlands | Nectar Queen Challenge
Splinterlands | Manticore Challengee
Splinterlands | Undead Minotaur Challenge
Splinterlands | Spark Pixies Challenge
Splinterlands | Serpent Of Eld Challenge
Splinterlands | Gelatinous Cube Challenge


Everyone who wants to try the game out for free themselves can get a big early game advantage as I'm leasing a whole lot of cards out when you use my Referral Link and end up getting the Summoner's Spellbook. Full details on the sign-up deal check can be found here (Link). If you want to get a transparent view on how much playing the game can potentially earn check my Splinterlands April Results & Earnings Report (+134$) (Link). If you want tips on how to potentially freeroll the game & get great returns check (Link)

Signing up with an affiliate link and purchases the Summoner's Spellbook currently will currently also give you a Free Random Untamed card from the @sl-giveaways account which could be a 100$ golden legendary if you are lucky. I still have 1 Camilla Sungazer available for lease and the first one to take the deal during the next week will the Giant Squid Card I bought.


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