The pigeons – Global symbol of peace.

in Steem Sri Lanka25 days ago

Hello, friends! We've all seen pigeons in Sri Lanka, and they're a special bird that's appreciated all across the world. They are very beautiful and commonly known as domestic birds. They enjoy living in groups and getting along with other people. They reproduce by laying eggs and last for around four years. The finest feature of pigeons is their good memory. This is why they were used for sending messages in ancient times. They have white, grey, and red feathers that cover their bodies, provide protection, and help them maintain their body temperature. They are self-sufficient, providing for themselves. The pigeons are often regarded as a symbol of peace in most countries.

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But, do you know why this bird is so important to the world?

The gentle behavior and calming cooling sounds of pigeons are also quite appealing; they never hurt anybody and live in peace. This calm behavior of pigeons persuades people to think of peace.

For many years, many countries have considered the pigeon to be a symbol of peace. In ancient times, people believed that the pigeon was God's messenger. They believe that doves brought messages of peace and love from the heavens.

According to the Bible, Nova released a pigeon after the great flood, which returned carrying an olive branch, indicating that the waters decreased and peace had been restored to the world. Similarly, in Greek mythology, pigeons were linked to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and peace. They symbolized love, beauty, and harmony.

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People have turned to the pigeon as a symbol of hope for peace throughout history, especially during wartime. For example, during the second world war, the image of a pigeon carrying an olive branch became a powerful symbol of peace.

Today, the pigeon is still a symbol of peace and can be found on flags, in artwork, and in events that promote peace and understanding among people.

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