It's really amazing to eat green chili peppers with delicious singara.17September2024

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I am @kalidsyfulla From #Bangladesh

Dear friends,how are you all?I hope everyone is well by the grace of Allah. Alhamdulillah,I am also very well.

Today,I will share a new blog with you.Hope you all like it. Stay by my side and support me till the end.(Thank you)

Dear friends, who likes singara?.Most of the people love singara.I am one of those people.


Today, after finishing the zohar prayer, I stopped at the four-way intersection on my way home.
I saw they were making singara in the hotel.I thought to myself it would be very fun to eat hot, fresh singara. So, I entered the hotel.



After entering the hotel,I saw that the potato patties for making singara were prepared.
Then,I saw that they had stuffed some singara with potato and arranged them
beautifully.ready to be fried in oil.


The singara were released one by one into the hot oil while standing. Many singara ended up inside the pan.


Dear friends,the singara are fried.I took the hot,fresh singara onto a plate myself.I also took green chili peppers.It's amazing to eat hot singara with green chili peppers.It's so delicious that it makes your mouth water.Then,I ate the singara.It was very good.

While eating, a saying came to my mind. People say, "There's no hole or crack in anything," but how did the potato get inside the singara?

Dear friends, the blog is up to date. Thank you all for being with me till the end.

Assalamu Alaikum, may Allah remember.

Author @kalidsyfulla


 3 days ago 

The sanghara you made was looking so delicious and I just wanna eat it. You said it sanghara and when I saw the post I just firstly called it samosa :)
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