A Game Of Chess With @Weisser-rabe

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Chess really does stimulate your mental capacity a lot. You ever experience nausea while trying to solve a difficult Maths question? That's your brain trying it's best to find a solution and in return increases your capacity of problem solving and thinking more critically.

It's the same with chess as well. Chess is included in the list of those challenging games that force you to think analytically and according to the situation. This is why do you know in some countries when a woman is pregnant she is asked to solve mental maths problems and play chess for a better mental health of their children.

My uncle who was a state level chess champion, may he rest in peace, and my dad who has a huge fonding for this game as well taught my brothers and I this game by playing with us on regular basis. There were some times, where playing chess was the only thing we did in family gatherings. But as amazing as this game is, its extremely addictive and can consume a lot of time, so we were always guided by my father to never get addicted to playing chess.

Nonetheless, chess became a very commong thing in our household and even my youngest brother, who just turned 17 has been playing it for the past 10 years now I guess. Hate to admit it but he plays a lot better than me hahaha.


A couple of days back, I started a series of teaching chess to steemians. On the very post of this series, I received a comment from @weisser-rabe and we decided to play a match. She told me about a couple of chess platforms and we agreed to have our game on greenchess.net I signed up on this site and soon enough she sent me a game invite. Since, I was new to this platform she told me a few things about it, such as there's no time limit in this game and that we can catch up with our moves whenever we want.

Now, for a person like me, I try to complete my chess game in a single sitting as I don't want to prolong things but of course I understand that everyone has enough obligations in their lives and that it gets hard sometimes to take out time for side activities. Anyway we decided to have a go at this game

The first couple of moves took us both some time as at first I didn't know about the push notification that I had been getting when @weisser-rabe made her move.

We got in touch on Discord and then finally agreed upon to play in a single sitting. I remember at that time, my aunt was at my place so I excused myself for around 30 minutes, got on my bed and played with complete concentration.


The game turned out to be as good as I had expected it. She got my extra pawn in the starting phase of the match and caught me off guard. I took some time to play the upcoming moves carefully and was able to get back in the game quickly.

The game, for me, started when we both decided to exchange our Queens. For those who might now know what exchanging of Queen means is when both the players kill each other's queens.

After that move, I kept on playing my offensive moves and got her on the back foot.


In this picture you can see my bishop (white) has @weisser-rabe's King on check. She had quite a few moves left to save her King, but that meant she had to sacrifice her Rook for that.


It was at this point that @weisser-rabe decided to give in and the game ended. It was an amazing game that I am sure we both enjoyed a lot.

You know what did I enjoy more than the game? The interaction that I had with @weisser-rabe. She is such an amazing lady and I loved interacting with her. I hope we'll have more games in the future as well


Keeping the spirit of this beautiful game alive, I would also like to invite @event-horizon @chriddi @ty-ty and also @pennsif for a game of chess with me. Maybe we can have a tournament as @pennsif suggested?


Hi @huzaifanaveed! It was a great pleasure for me (I'm playing at first for a good game and only at second for winning ;-)) It was really good entertainment at the end of the day! @ty-ty is just registered on the chess-platform. I will ask him if he tells you his nickname ;-)) And I know for sure that @moecki is a chess player...

Likewise @weisser-rabe. I really liked playing chess with you and I hope we can have more matches in future as well.

And I know for sure that @moecki is a chess player...

It'd be good to have a game with her as well.

Yes, I am. It's been a while since the last game, but you don't forget that quickly :-)

Ja, das bin ich. Die letzte Partie ist zwar schon ein wenig her, aber so schnell verlernt man das nicht :-)

Thank you very much for the invitation.
It's been ages since I played chess. I therefore don't feel at all prepared for an online match. Sorry, at the moment I don't want to participate.
But I would like to suggest you a true chess mastermind: Maybe @jaki01 is interested. In that case you have to dress very warmly... ;-)

It's my pleasure.

That's alright, if you haven't had a go at chess for a long while. The best way of coming back in form is starting once again ;-)

I'd love to play with @jaki01. Let's wait for his reply. I'm excited...

jaki01 at lichess.

You are always welcome to challenge me. :)

Thanks for everything

Well, I might take a look at the page… ;-)

Oi! Good to know about...

Jo. Jaki hat früher regelmäßig Schach-Rätsel eingestellt. Ich meine, er führte auch eine Chess-Community. Weiß ich aber nicht genau. Mit seiner Insekten-Community verwechsle ich sie aber nicht… ;-)

For those who might now know what exchanging of Queen means is when both the players kill each other's queens.

I have not yet heard of queens exchange.
Is this a special move, or rather the consequence of one player deciding to beat the other's secured queens?

Anyway, I read your first chess learning contribution with interest :-)

Some time ago, ty-ty drew my attention to the board variations available on the site. There are some pretty crazy boards...
I have now also registered there. I would take part in a tournament, I just have to see how it fits in terms of time.

I have not yet heard of queens exchange.
Is this a special move, or rather the consequence of one player deciding to beat the other's secured queens?

This is a common phrase that we use here, I'm not sure whether you guys have it there or not. The term queen's exchange is used when you beat the other player's and in return they beat your queen as well.

Anyway, I read your first chess learning contribution with interest :-)

I'm glad you read that. I'll be coming up with more parts very soon

Some time ago, ty-ty drew my attention to the board variations available on the site. There are some pretty crazy boards.

Ahhh yes. I saw the boards as well and they fascinated me tbh. They've got some very mind boggling boards on that site.

I would take part in a tournament, I just have to see how it fits in terms of time.

We can arrange a tournament if we get more players on board

The term queen's exchange is used when you beat the other player's and in return they beat your queen as well.

That's how I understood it too. :-)

I'll be coming up with more parts very soon

I am looking forward to the new parts.

We'll see if enough players can get together for a tournament. We'll keep an eye on that :-)

 2 years ago 

So you guys finally had a match. Seems like you guys had fun.

Thank you for the invitation. I am a beginner level player but haven't played in a while specially not have as much experience like you. But would love to have a match in future. Not possible these days due to other commitments.

But do keep sharing posts like these. I would love to follow up your games.

So you guys finally had a match. Seems like you guys had fun.

Yess we did. It was an amazing experience. She is a wonderful woman.

I am a beginner level

That's alright. We all start as beginners. I'd love to have a match with you as well. Whenever you have time, you can let me know and we can set a time.

But do keep sharing posts like these. I would love to follow up your games.

Would love to. Thank you for showing interest.

 2 years ago 

That's alright. We all start as beginners. I'd love to have a match with you as well. Whenever you have time, you can let me know and we can set a time.

Done deal.


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @weisser-rabe

This is a beauty game. Good Job!

 2 years ago 

Hi, Greetings to Steem Pakistan Member. Thanks for sharing your quality content with us



 2 years ago 

Thank you for the invite, but I am a gardener not a chess player.

Maybe we could learn some of those gardening skills from you... ;--)

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