History of internet.. What is the Internet and how does it work? || 20 % BENEFICIARY to @steemit-pak ||

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN3 years ago


History of internet

People generally think that drugs are artificially placed in the world, there are heavy duty wires that have survived under the sea.

The "95%" of humankind's communication, including the Internet, is communicated by these underwater wires. In a way, humanity in particular is a benefactor of the modern age. Otherwise, the international system of communication in the world would have collapsed.

New issue

The idea of ​​laying wires at sea first came to the American inventor, Samuel Morris. He, along with other Western inventors, was trying to invent the telegraph (wire). ۔

Finally, in 1939, British inventors William Cookie and Charles Wheatstone invented the world's first commercial telegraph machine. Soon a new problem arose. On the ground, with the help of poles, wires reached everywhere, but if a river or sea came in between, the whole work would come to a standstill. What should be done now?

At the same time, Samuel Morris came up with the idea of ​​laying wires at the bottom of the ocean floor. Don't run in the water.

To achieve this goal, Morris experimented with different materials. For example, in 1842, a wire was wrapped in putts and wrapped in india rubber and immersed in water.

Malaya's glue

In 1842, it was discovered that the gutta-percha obtained from a tree found in Malaya was a very strong and good insulator, meaning that it could not carry an electric current. Wrapped well, it was submerged.

It did not deteriorate for a long time. Thus, the experts found a material that could keep the wire safe in water for many years and water damage could not damage it.

Deutsch is a town near the famous city of Cologne, Germany. The Rhine River flows between them. In 1847, a wire was laid across the Rhine to connect the two settlements by telegraph. It was the first underwater cable in the world. Was The wire was secured with a "gutta leaflet".

It was placed under the supervision of a German mechanical engineer, Carl Wilhelm Siemens. The experiment was successful.

The first wire connecting the countries

Meanwhile, two British engineer brothers, John and Jacob Watkins, decided to lay a telegraph wire in the English Channel between France and Britain. They obtained permission from both governments. The wire was laid in August 1850, It was covered only with gutta-percha. It was also necessary to wrap a hard material around it so that it would be protected from the rubbing of rocks and the equipment of boats and ships. The first attempt to lay the wire at sea failed.

Raising money, he set up a new company, the Submarine Telegraph Company. Now he has developed a wire around which steel material has been laid. This wire was not only strong but also heavy. So the bottom of the sea sank. It was 29 miles (km) long and was landed in the English Channel in September 1851. From November 19 it was used by the people. It was the first wire in the world connecting the two countries.

The two engineer brothers, however, did not give up. They proved the wire to be successful. Telegraphs were sent between Britain and France. Messaging has become much faster than in the past. This has greatly benefited the governments, traders and businessmen of both the countries. Seeing the benefits, other countries have also started trying to lay a wire between themselves. Research and experiments also began to take place.

Britain was annexed by Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark by submarine in 1853. At that time, the United States and Britain were the two largest centers of Western civilization.

So there was talk of laying wires in the sea and connecting them. Meanwhile, a new character emerges in the history of the submarine wire. Cyrus Westfield was an American businessman. He found the plan to lay the wire in the Atlantic Ocean profitable. Even though there were hidden dangers that the money would sink, he became active in putting the plan into practice.

Wire in the ocean

At first, he met with various scientists, engineers and experts in the field of underwater laying and understood this new technology.

To this end, Cyrus West set up a company, The Atlantic Telegraph Company, in October 1856. After obtaining the required funds, Cyrus approached the British and American governments. She too became a supporter of the project. They funded Cyrus and also the ship that was supposed to lay the wire in the ocean.

This task was not easy but the ships had to lay 2500 km long wire in the sea. This was the first work of its kind in human history. This wire was made in two factories. The wire was wrapped with different strong and hard materials. That it should not only sit on the seabed but also be protected from the harmful effects of salt and chemical water. That is why the wire laid on each nautical mile (1852 meters) weighed half a ton (550 kg).

One ship traveled from the United States and the other from the United Kingdom, laying wires. The crew of both ships encountered various difficulties and obstacles while performing their duties.

Sometimes a hurricane would stop the work. Sometimes the rocks under the sea would become resistant and would not allow the wire to be laid. At that time technology was also raw. This also caused obstacles. A few times the wire broke. Because of these problems, at one point the company's directors began to think of abandoning the project. However, Cyrus West encouraged them, encouraged them and so on. Continued

Finally, July 29, 1858 is the historic day when ships from the United States and the United Kingdom landed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They reassembled both ends of the wire.

This was the first time that the continents of Europe and North America were connected by a wire. It was a historic occasion. In it, the Queen expressed hope that the two countries would be able to enhance economic and social ties through wire.

Seventeen hours to reach the wire

Interestingly, it took "seventeen hours" for Queen Victoria's wire to reach the President of the United States. The reason is that the wire was sent with the help of Morris code. In modern times, it is laughable to hear this. But at that time, this message was considered to be "very soon". Obviously, at that time, a ship would take several days to reach the United States from Britain. Was

This wire was laid by private investors by spending money. So now they wanted to make a profit. Over the next seven to eight years, the technical glitches that caused the wire to arrive late were significantly removed. By 1866, a word of wire began to be sent in six or seven minutes, and the speed of communication increased. When communication between the two continents increased, the company also set the price of wire.

In 1866, it cost "twenty dollars" to send a twenty-word wire from Britain to the United States. This was a considerable sum at the time. There were dollars. That's why.

At that time only rich businessmen, businessmen, investors and governments could afford the cost of wire. Today it seems very strange because now due to the Internet, communication around the world is almost free. You get a video call for a few rupees.

Help win World War II

However, as telegraph and wire making technology improved, time and money began to be saved. By the end of the nineteenth century, it was possible to send forty words per minute. While it was also clear that from 1866 to the First World War, all the work of laying wires in the seas was done by British companies.

That's why Britain's telegraph system survived World War I. While the system of its rival Germany was destroyed. The operation of the wire system also helped Britain and the United States to win the World War.

After 1866, British companies began laying underwater cables in the Pacific, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean. In 1870, a cable was laid between Bombay (India) and London. In 1870, New Zealand also came under the British telegraphic system. Thus, the British laid a network of underwater wires throughout their empire. This change helped them better manage and administer the empire.

600 dollar call

Meanwhile, another modern way of communicating, the telephone, was invented. In 1927, telephone service between the United States and the United Kingdom began via radio waves. But the fee for this service was very high. For a three minute call, the customer had to pay "45 45" which was a good amount. At the current rate, this amount is "600 600" ie Rs. That's why experts are trying to lay telephone wires under the sea.

After World War II, the field of science and technology developed rapidly. Gradually, modern devices and materials were invented that could protect underwater telephone wires from the harmful effects of water.

Three Western companies, the General Post Office UK, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Canadian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation, signed an agreement to lay telephone wires in the Atlantic Ocean in December 1953. The project was completed on December 25, 1956. The world's first submarine. The telephone line was named "TAT-1". It could make thirty-five calls at a time.

Science and technology continued to advance in the field of telecommunications. This had two advantages. First, it was possible to send more data by wire. Second, the cost began to come down. In the 1980s, experts invented fiber optic wire. The data in them travels in wires made of glass, not copper.

These cables are lighter and more flexible. They also allow data to be transmitted faster and in larger quantities. In 1988, the first fiber optic cable was laid between the United States and the United Kingdom. It is called TAT-8. This wire made it possible to send 28 terabytes of data per second.

spinal cord

There are currently 380 stars under the sea in the world. Billions of megabytes of data travel through them every day. These wires not only keep the modern world business, commercial and social system alive Yes, it has been handled well. In fact, it would be right to call these wires the backbone of the global economic system.

The longest of these 1,400 underwater wires is called the Southern Cross Cable. This fiber optic cable connects Australia and New Zealand to the United States via Hawaii. 28900 km long. Out of this, 1600 km long wire has been laid on land. It has been doing its job since 2000. It is possible to send 72 terabytes of data per second.

"MAREA" is the number one wire transmitter in the world. This 6600 km long cable was laid between Spain and the United States. It sent 200 terabytes of data per second. Goes This wire is owned by Microsoft and Facebook.

New underwater wires

The four largest technology companies in the world; Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft are very active in laying underwater wires. The reason is obvious. He hopes to get as much data as possible around the world at the lowest possible cost.

That's why these companies are laying new wires in the oceans at great expense. For example, the submarine project called "Two Africa" ​​cable system, Facebook, China Mobile International, Vodafone, Telecom Egypt. And other companies have made it together. This wire will extend to "26" countries. Thus, Africa could become the longest submarine in the world. It will extend to Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Facebook and Google are working together to lay an underwater cable called the "Apricot". The cable will connect Asia-Pacific countries such as Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore. The ڈالر 80 million project It will be completed at a cost of Rs.

It is thought that then it will be called the highest data sending wire. It will be possible to send 220 terabytes of data per second through it. Its length is likely to be fifteen thousand kilometers.

According to a report, by 2025, the length of all the wires in the world's oceans will reach "eight million miles". These wires are the basis of the invisible Internet, but the general public does not know much about them. If cut or damaged, the public will hear and become aware of this vast and mysterious system of wires.

When the wire breaks

For example, in August 2017, an underwater cable supplying internet to Pakistan, IMEWE, broke near Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. As a result, the speed of internet in Pakistan became very slow as data was received less due to broken wires. When the wires were connected, the situation improved. They disrupt communication, especially on the Internet.

Pakistan is connected to overseas by six submarine wires; SMW5-, TW-1, SMW3-, SMW4-, IMEWE and AAE1-. The wiring system is maintained by a private company, Trans World Associates, while the national body, PTA, is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the remaining wires within Pakistan's borders. Will be connected to the wires.

According to experts, human activities are responsible for 75% of the cases of broken or damaged wires. Sometimes the wires break by getting caught in the nets of fishing ships. Then there are natural disasters that affect the wires, such as hurricanes, submarine earthquakes, and landslides. Internet speeds were severely affected in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea and the Philippines.

Underwater cables often break down. That's why all countries maintain their communications through as many cables as possible. Developed and rich countries are connected by hundreds of wires. Therefore, if a submarine wire breaks down there, the common people are not aware of it. Communication is restored through other wires.

How are the wires laid?

Laying underwater cables is a long and expensive process. It costs billions of rupees and takes many months. The wire settles in the area. If the rocks are around, their friction damages the wire. Furthermore, experts are looking for deeper areas because the wire is safe there as well.

The landing station is located on the beach. This is where the submarine wire begins. Inland land cables are connected to the submarine wire at the landing station. Special measures are taken to secure the submarine wire. For example, the landing station is isolated. Trenches are dug near it so that the wire can reach deeper and be secured.

To protect modern-day underwater wire, glass fiber optic fiber wire is coated with seven different materials. The wire is first coated with petroleum jelly, then coated with copper or aluminum. Later layers made of polycarbonate, aluminum, steel, mylar tape and polyethylene are laid. Due to all these materials, seawater cannot enter the wire. Also, the wire remains usable for many decades. If it is shallow, special arrangements are made to secure the wire.

Once the route is determined, the first wire is laid on the ship. Such ships are equipped with special wire-laying equipment. It usually takes a month and a half to lay the wire on the ship. The reason is that the wire weighs a lot. For example, the Maria wire, which is 6600 km long, weighs 4.6 million kg. The heaviest animal in the world is the blue whale. If there are 34 blue whales, it weighs.

Pakistan's data is safe

The Pakistan Army's Communications Branch is called "SCO" (Special Communication Organization). In 2017, the head of the SCO, Major General Amir Azeem, revealed in a special session of the National Assembly that The data comes through submarine wires that pass through India.

Therefore, there was a danger that Indian computer experts could access Pakistani data with the help of Israeli or American technology. It was as if they could find important national secrets. Therefore, the Pakistani forces wanted at least military data not to come to Pakistan through India

After deliberation, it was decided that all military and sensitive data should be sent to Pakistan through China. In this regard, the Chinese government was contacted and as before, it fully cooperated. And provided technology, equipment, services and loans to non-military Pakistani institutions to establish a communications network between China and Pakistan.

Thus, in late 2018, fiber optic wire was laid from the Chinese state of Xinjiang to Rawalpindi. Thus, the military and sensitive data of the beloved homeland was protected from being attacked by its biggest enemy.

The fiber-optic cable from Xinjiang to Rawalpindi is now being connected to a submarine cable "PEACE" (Pakistan, East Africa Connecting Europe) cable to Karachi. It is spread across three continents. The submarine is owned by Chinese companies. Its length is 15,000 km. It is one of the most important submarine wires. The government is part of China's Global Silk Road Initiative.

"Peace" was laid in the seas of the three major continents of the planet so that communication between the countries involved in China's grand Belt and Road Initiative could be safe, fast and affordable.

In Pakistan, fiber optic wire from Rawalpindi to Karachi is being laid by a Pakistani company, CyberNet, a Chinese company, in collaboration with Huawei. CyberNet is part of Lexon Group of Companies. Has been

When the entire network of "Peace" is completed in Pakistan, our compatriots will have access to high speed internet. Also, the data of the government of Pakistan and our forces will be safe. And it will be a prelude to a new journey of prosperity.

Remember, Western media claim that Chinese telecommunication companies also fit spying parts and software in their devices. That is why the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, etc. have cut ties with Chinese telecommunication companies. But the Pakistani government says it has found no evidence of spying equipment.

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Plagiarized Content


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Respected Mam, this content in my own words

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No, I warned you before. If you repeat again then your votes will banned.

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Ok Respected Mam
M really sorry

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Respected Mam,If you still feel like it, then next time inshallah it will be fine

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