Contest: Write a Short Story Taken From Your Life | Nostalgia Edition | Avoid taking personal accountability | 5% To bd-charity


So, once upon a time, I had a pity party thrower in my life. This person had concocted a story in which everything terrible in their life was attributed to someone else, circumstance, or life itself. They'd assumed the driver's seat in their own lives and therefore absolved themselves of any personal responsibility. "Well, the reason my life is the way it is is because I've had horrible luck and life simply never works out in my favor."
As a result, I was made to feel obligated to assist them in improving their condition, but my offer was met with resistance and empty promises.
They were throwing an invite-only pity party, and I went because I didn't know any better. However, the pity party isn't ended until the host declares it so. As a visitor, you have no power. As a result, I learnt an essential lesson: I should never attempt to help someone who does not sincerely want to be helped.

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