| Application for Steem Bangladesh Monthly Support Program |

in Steem Bangladesh3 years ago (edited)


Greetings everyone,

Today I am going to apply for the monthly community support on behalf of Steem Bangladesh community. I am going to give all the information that needed for the application. At first I want to thank @steemitblog for arranging this program. Hope this will help communities to grow more effectively.

Community Purpose

Steem Bangladesh is a Bangladeshi community. Though it's a country based community but we encourage everyone to post here. We want to do something for the Bangladeshi people as well as others. This community believes in freedom. We want to contribute for the betterment of steemit blockchain. The current population of Bangladesh is 166 million. Our community purpose is to gather as much Bangladeshi people as possible. Beside we try to keep members active as much as possible. Also we try to produce qualityful contents from them. We always do our best to highlight the best content. We ensure support for the qualityful contents. We always try to contribute for the development of steemit blockchain, that's why we are investing our time and hard work. Steem Bangladesh is a united community. We are growing by the power of unity. One day this community will gain it's own power.

Is it unique?

We always try to keep our community unique. Our community is one of the biggest country community. We pick 5 best post of the day. We arrange creative and unique contests which are very interesting. A huge number of people join our contests and other activities. So yes, our community is unique.

Why should people join your community?

Why not? Our community is fully freedom based community. People can do any type of posts in this community. Every week we arrange various types of contests which are very unique and interesting. We add good ammount rewards for the contests. To highlight and support the quality content we pick top 15 posts of the day. Top-5 will get @steemcurator01 or booming support. Top 6-10 will get 100% upvote from @steem-bangladesh community account and 7% upvote from @steemcurator07. Top 10-15 will get 3 steem reward. I think these are enough to convince everyone to join our community.

Community team

Admin: @toufiq777 & @nahidhasan23

Mods: @masumrbd, @sobuj28 @endingplagiarism, @abuahmad @steem-bangladesh


Are the team members paid or rewarded in any way from the community funds for their work in running the community?

For the sake of Steem Bangladesh community our moderators are working hard. They invest their valuable time for betterment of this community. So I always encourage them and reward them for their work. I reward them with steem every week. Hope this will keep their work spiritual.

Community Curation Account

What are your plans to grow the SP of the account?

I always think about grow the sp of community account. Community account sp is very important for support community members. A good ammount of sp can serve good ammount of support. I try to power up from the SBD payout of posts. Beside I use the curation rewards for power up. Community members delegation is another source of sp. We encourage everyone for delegation to grow more sp. We give good ammount of weekly delegation rewards. We also arrange weekly delegation contests. We also take benifitiary from the top 15 posts for growing our sp.

Are all the post rewards powered up, or are they used for paying delegators or members of the community team?

I distribute monthly steem + trx rewards according to the amount of delegation made to the @steem-bangladesh community account. Beside I have to reward steem for the weekly contest that I have organized. I have to give reward steem for Top 10-15 posts of the day daily. Beside I also have to pay moderators. After that I power up the rest of the steem.

What is the current Voting CSI score for the account (from Steemworld.org)?

I always try to use the 20% mana of @steem-bangladesg in every 12 hour. Everyday I give 100% upvote to the top posts of the day. Beside I try to give 5% upvote to other contest participating posts like photography. Diary game or other good posts will get 15% upvote from community account.


Plagiarism & Abuse

What measures do you take to check for plagiarism and other forms of abuse (content farming, duplicate accounts, fake accounts)?

For checking plagarism we try to use plagarism checking tools like smalltools. In some cases the tools fail to check plagarism. If a person use article rewriter then the tool can't detect plagarism. In that case we read the post carefully.

To avoid fake or duplicate account we started verification system. Our verification system is different from others. We use video verification where users have to appear in their video and they have to say their account name in that video.

Do you have designated people in your team for plagiarism checking?

Currently the moderators are doing this work. They use smalltools website for checking plagarism. Beside in difficult cases we take help from @endingplagiarism .

Do you ensure all photos used in your community are copyright free?

Steem Bangladesh community support the own photos. It always avoid content with copyrighted photos. Contents with copyrighted photos are 1st time flagged and 2nd time muted. Our moderators are strict in this case.

Engagement & Commenting

Every week a lot of posts have been made in Steem Bangladesh community. It's really hard to comment every single post in our community but we give our 100% to engage and comment almost every post in our community. Our admin and moderators are very dedicated in engaging posts. Every week we get almost 5,000 posts.

Do you have a roadmap or long term plan for the community?

My current target is to reach 100K SP for now. Almost 40k sp away from that goal. My final goal is to reach a decent amount of voting power to support the community. At least $20 voting power. I always think of how I can develop more continuously. Reaching a decent amount of voting power will help a lot to run community.

Anything Else

Besides all of our activities. We are currently running Bangladeshi Charity account @bd-charity. We have provided food support to 60 families in last ramadan

Project Ramadan 1.0 Details

Project Ramadan 1.1 Details

Also in our weekly projects, we are providing one time meals to street people. We have provided one time meal to more than 100+ people through the weekly projects. Our several representatives from their respective area are working hard on these projects. Due to severe coronavirus situation & hard lockdown in Bangladesh, our work is currently postponed. But we are going to start working for the street poeple very soon.


 3 years ago (edited)

It's been only a few months since I joined Steemit from the invitation of Steem Bangladesh, but now its like a family to me. I think every other members also feels that like me.

There is no doubt that Steem Bangladesh provides the best opportunity to show creativity. Many contests on different topics are always being held here.

The Steemit Team has supported our community from the very beginning & I believe that they will continue providing their generous support in this road of ours of becoming a self-sustainable community.

Best Wishes for Our Community- Steem Bangladesh

 3 years ago 

নিঃসন্দেহে @steemit প্ল্যাটফর্মে @steem-bangladesh বড় কমিউনিটির মধ্যে একটি।
আমি স্ট্রিমিটে যে কয় দিন যাবত যুক্ত আছি সে অভিজ্ঞতা থেকে বলছি, @steem-bangladesh কমিউনির নিয়মকানন শৃঙ্খলা অনেক ভালো যা আমার অন্য কোন কমিউনিটিতে চোখে পরে নাই।

খুবই সুন্দর ভাবে কমিউনিটি পরিচালিত হয়ে এসেছে।
সম্মানিত এডমিন @toufiq777, @nahidhasan23 ভাই ও মোডারেটগণ যথাযথ ভুমিকা রেখেছে বলে আজ এই কমিনিটি এত দূরে এসেছে।

তারা কমিউনিটির এক্টিভ মেম্বার বাড়ানো ক্ষেত্রে মেম্বারদের জন্য বিভিন্ন কন্টেস্ট দিয়েছে।
এই কমিউনিটির মূল আকর্ষনীয় জিনিস হচ্ছে প্রতিদিনের কন্টেস্টের বিষয়বস্তু, যা অন্য কমিউনিটি গুলোর থেকে সম্পূর্ণ আলাদা। যার ফলে মেম্বাররা তাদের প্রতিভা গুলো যযথাযথ ভাবে কন্টেস্টের মাধ্যমে তুলে ধরতে পারে। এর জন্য @steem-bangladesh কমিউনিটি দিন দিন মানুষের কাছে আরো জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠছে।

আমি এই কমিউনিটির একজন এক্টিভ মেম্বার হতেপেরে নিজেকে ধন্য মনেকরি।

ধন্যবাদ জানাই কমিউনিটির এডমিন @toufiq777@nahidhasan23 ভাইকে। সাথে ধন্যবাদ জানাই মোডারেট ভাইদের ও @steem-bangladesh এর সকল মেম্বারদের।

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your valuable comment. Your comment means a lot.

 3 years ago 

Welcome honourable Admin Mr. @toufiq777

 3 years ago 

Steem Bangladesh is one of the top country based community in Steemit Platform from the beginning of it's journey. Here, we have the most unique system for recognising the talented content creators by selecting 10 specific topics in 10 days. The members of our community are getting the opportunity to show their talent & quality by participating in these topics.

Also, 20+ weekly contests help new members to be comfortable & create quality contents more enthusiastically. From my personal experience, my contents quality has increased a lot by participating in these competitive events & contests. So, I strongly believe this is a community worthy of getting more recognition & support.

Thanks to steemit team for taking this new & effective initiative to support improving & dedicated communities. Best Of Luck Steem Bangladesh

 3 years ago 

You are one of the regular member in our community. Thank you for staying with us from the begaining of your steemit journey.

 3 years ago 

আমি প্রথমেই এই কমিউনিটির সকলকে ধন্যবাদ জানাতে চাই। আমি শুরু থেকেই এই কমিটির সাথে আছি আশাকরি বাকি দিনগুলো এ কমিটির সাথেই থাকব। এই কমিটিতে আমরা অনেক কিছু শেয়ার করতে পারি। প্রতিদিন বিভিন্ন রকমের টপিক দেওয়া হয় যার কারণে অনেকেই তার প্রতিভা প্রকাশের সুযোগ পেয়ে থাকে। কম্পিটিশনের কারণেই কমিউনিটির পোস্টগুলো অনেক কোয়ালিটি সম্পন্ন হয়ে থাকে। নতুনদের উদ্দেশ্যে বলতে চাই আপনারা এই কমিউনিটির সাথে থাকেন অবশ্যই ভালো কিছু পাবেন। সামনের দিনগুলোতে কমিউনিটি আরো অনেক দূর এগিয়ে যাবে। আমি এই কমিউনিটিকে অনেক বেশি ভালোবাসি। 🌺ধন্যবাদ সবাইকে🌺

 3 years ago 

Thank you for supporting us.

 3 years ago 

#steem-bangladesh community এর পথচলার শুরু থেকেই এর সাথে আছি। এটি বাংলাদেশের বতর্মান সবচেয়ে বড়ো community। এটি এমন একটি community যেখানে সবকিছু সুষ্ঠুভাবে পরিচালনা করা হয় এবং সঠিক প্রতিভার মূল‍্যায়ন করা হয়।
ধন্যবাদ @toufiq777 এবং moderator ভাইদের। তাদের সম্মেলিত প্রচেষ্টার মাধ্যমেই #steem-bangladesh community সফলতার সাথে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে।

 3 years ago 

Thank you brother. Thank you for your support.

 3 years ago 

I have lot of memories with this community. It's like a home for Bangladeshi users. @toufiq777 is working hard for this community. Our community members are making quality contents for this platform. Thank you @steemitblog for supporting us from the begaining, hope we will also get your support in the future and soon our community will become one of the top community in the steem blockchain.

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

I love this community..

 3 years ago 

Thank you

First of all I would like to thank @steemitblog for arranging such a beautiful program .. I am proud to be able to work on such a beautiful platform Steamit.. 😇😇

All the communities I have visited @steem-bangladesh rules and regulations are the best and easiest 🥰... @toufiq777 Brother, I am grateful to him for doing his best to make the community more beautiful, smooth and moving forward.

Here all users are treated equally. Everyone is equally supported and newcomers can easily work with us...
Our main goal is to support everyone and make our community a better and more prosperous community. ❤️‍🔥✊🏻✨

@steem-bangladesh is working hard to reach its goal. Hopefully one day we will be able to stand as one of the best community in the world of Steamit. ❤️‍🔥🥰

Hopefully we can reach our goal. Best of luck our admin, moderators And members ... 😊 😇

 3 years ago 

Thanks for all those words

আলহামদুলিল্লাহ আমি স্ট্রিমিটে আসার পর থেকে এই কমিউনিটিতে পোষ্ট করছি। তাদের নিয়মকানন শৃঙ্খলা এতো সুন্দর যে আমি অন্য কোন কমিউনিটিতে দেখি নাই। সবসময় খুব খুব সহজ সহজ কন্টেস্ট ছিলো যেটা আমি প্রথম থেকে দেখে আসছি।

আশা করি এই কমিউনিটির সাথে সবসময় থাকতে পারবো।

ধন্যবাদ এই কমিউনিটির এডমিন আছেন যারা

 3 years ago 

ধন্যবাদ আমাদের কমিউনিটির সাথে থাকার জন্য।


 3 years ago 

এই কমিউনিটিটি আসলে অনেক সুন্দর একটা কমিউনিটি। এখানে সবাই সবসময় নতুন কিছু করার চেষ্ঠা করে। এই কমিউনিটির এডমিন ও মডারেটরবৃন্দ খুবই ভালো এবং তাদের নিয়ম-কানুন কঠোর।
ইনশাল্লাহ সবসময় কমিউনিটির সাথে থাকবো।

 3 years ago 

ধন্যবাদ আপনার মূল্যবান কমেন্টের জন্য। আমাদের কমিউনিটির সাথে থাকার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।