Hair care tips or /How to grow your hairs fast /by @ fizaashraf 30% of payout of this post to@steemingcuration

in Steeming Community3 years ago (edited)

How are you ,hope you all will be good by the grace of allah.
Today hair problems are the main problems of girl. So in order to share some knowledge with you ,and tell you about better hair growth. we will talk about your hair care and better growth of your hairs.


Normal hair growrh

Normaly,our hair grows around 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) per month, and 6 inches (15 cm) per year.

Factors for hair growth

growth rate of hairs depends on factors like

  • age
  • health
  • genetics
  • and diet.

As we cannot change the factors like age and genetics,
So the only thing that we can done for our better hair growth is maintaining our diet and health.
If a person's diet is lacking the right nutrients ,it can lead to hair loss.

On the other hand, eating a balanced diet with the right nutrients can help promote hair growth.
Here we will diacuss the way to promote our hair growth
Best Ways to Boost Hair Growth

  • About hair growth
  • Proper nutrition
  • Protein intake
  • Caffeine
  • Essential oils
  • Key nutrients
  • Scalp massage
  • Less heat
  • Less coloring

How does hair grow?

Hair grows from a root at the bottom of a follicle under your skin. The blood in your scalp goes to the follicle and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the hair root, which helps your hair grow.

What can help your hair grow?

While genetics does play a role in maintaining healthy hair growth, if you are suffering from hair problems genetically ,it is very tough to cure these problems.
But here are some ways by which we can increase our hair growth.

Avoid restrictive dieting

According to Dr. Lindsey Bordone,

we can’t control everything that affects our hair growth. But there are things we can avoid that may cause impaired growth and increased shedding.
She also says that
“Restrictive dieting can decrease resources and nutrients needed for hair growth,” .

So avoid restictive foods like

  • liquor
  • fast food
  • high sugar
  • cold drinks

protein intake

According to Bordone,a dematologist

“Eating a well-balanced diet with adequate protein intake is important for optimal hair growth,”


caffeine does not only give us an energy boost, but it is found that it may also have growth-promoting effects on your hair.

  • caffeine may help promote new hair growth at the molecular, cellular, and organ levels in both men and women.

essential oils

They also help promote hair growth.

Tjey help in significant increase in dermal thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth. Some types of essential oils are

  • Peppermint.
  • Lavender.
  • Tea tree.
  • Bergamot.
  • Chamomile.
  • Jasmine.


Specific vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are especially important for your overall health and also play a key role in providing your body with the energy needed for hair growth. This includes:

  • biotin
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • zinc
  • iron
  • omega-3 and omega-6

Scalp massage

A scalp massage can help promote relaxation and relieve stress.
it may also help in boosting the health of your hair.
It thickers our hairs.
Home hair massage is the best.Of you massage you hairs 4 mins at least,in a day, you will get remarkable difference in your hair growth.

Heating of hairs

Heating from

  • curling irons,
  • hair dryers
  • straighteners can damage your hair and cause breakage.
  • Decreasing the temperature of heated styling tools can also help reduce hair damage.

coloring of hair

According to Thomas.

“When we dye our hair and change the texture with chemicals, these processes can put stress on the hair and cause it to break,”

Elizabeth Hiserodt, senior colorist at Cutler Salon in New York City.

"The fewer chemical treatments, the better your hair will grow."

So avoid colouing of hairs

Best food for faster hair growth

Here i will discuss some foods which will help you you in better hair growth


  • Eggs are a great source of protein and biotin.

It also contain two important nutrients that may promote hair growth.

  • zinc,
  • selenium

deficiency in either of these nutrientsmay lead to hair loss.
Thus eggs are one of the best food for hair growth


  • Berries are loaded with compounds like antioxidants and vitamins that may promote hair growth.
  • As strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which aids
  • collagen production
  • iron absorption
    Which are two factors that may promote hair growth.


Spinach is a healthy green vegetable that’s loaded with beneficial nutrients like

  • folate
  • iron
    *vitamins A
  • vitamins C

all of these may promote hair growth. A deficiency in these nutrients may result in hair loss.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like

  • salmon
  • herring
  • mackerel

These are great sources of
omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to improved hair growth and density.


Avocados are rich in

  • vitamin E,
    an antioxidant that may promote hair growth.
  • they are a great source of essential fatty acids, which appear to be crucial for hair growth.


Nuts are packed with
nutrients like

  • vitamin E
  • B vitamins
  • zinc
  • essential fatty acids

all ofwhich may promote hair growth and are linked to many other health benefits.

  • seeds are also rich in vitamin E and other nutrients that may promote hair growth.
  • Some seeds also contain omega-3s,which have been linked to hair growth.

Sweet peppers

Sweet peppers are a
rich source of

  • vitamins A and C
  • two nutrients that help ensure hair stays
    healthy and that may aid hair growth.


Meat is a great source of

  • protein, which is essential for healthy, strong hair.
  • Red meat, in particular, is rich in iron, which may aid hair growth.

Impotance of Protein

Hair is made almost entirely of protein. Consuming enough is important for hair growth. protein deficiency may decrease hair growth and even lead to hair loss .

importance of oils

As your hair grows, it will push through your skin and pass by an oil gland. According to the AAD, it’s the oil from this gland that makes your hair shiny and soft.
So oils play important role in the growthof hairs.
Best oils for hair growth are

  • lavender oil
  • peppermint oil,
  • jojoba
  • sweet almond oil
  • coconut oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Olive oil
  • reetha oil

Hair mask by me

Here i will share a hair mask with you which i used to apply once a week ,it has great effects on my hair and hopefuly help you also.

Turmuricone table spoon
Mustard oil or olive oil3 table spoon

prepration of mask

Mix these things well and apply the mask directly on your sclap.
Leave the hairs for 2 hour and the wash rhem with any shampoo which you use.
Hopefully it will get you better results.

All done

Thanks every one for reading my post here is he site From where me collected this information

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