in Steeming Community3 years ago


Hello Steemingzen friends!!! I hope you will be fine, safe, healthy and happy with your family.
I am here again bringing you another recipe to share. It’s just a simple, easy and common recipe I prepared for you today. Below are the ingredients and procedures on how I cook my Adobong Pusit

These are the list of ingredients:

  • Pusit or Squid
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Spring onions
  • Magic sarap seasoning
  • Salt
  • Cooking oil


  • Wash and clean the squid or posit.
  • Wash and cut the garlic, onion, tomatoes and spring onions.
  • Put oil in a pan, and heat it in a medium flame setting.
  • Saute the garlic and onion until its aroma comes out and turns golden brown.
  • Add the main ingredient which is the squid or pusit.
  • Then add salt and magic sarap seasoning. Mix and stir for 5 minutes until it produces its own soup.
  • Then add the tomatoes and spring onions and mix again.
  • Stir for 15 to minutes or until its ink come out and the squid meat becomes smooth.
  • And it’s ready!


Here comes my recipe for today. Hope you like it. Believe me though it’s just simple but it tastes great. So what are you waiting for? Try your version now.
This is all for now foodies. Thank you Steeming Community for this opportunity. Through this we can share our skills in cooking.
Thank you for dropping by. See you again next time.
Have a safe, healthy and happy day everyone! God bless.


 3 years ago 

!zen 30

 3 years ago 

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