Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W4:Childhood or adulthood, which do you prefer? by @drqamu

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

guys , hope you are all doing well and enjoying the season three of Steemit Engagement Challamge. We are in week 4 and today I choose to write a task set by Steemkids community which is about Childhood vs Adulthood.


Childhood and adulthood refer to two main phases of the development of human beings. These stages of life are milestones in the physical development of humans. Technically these Stages have substages as well like childhood can be further divided into the neonatal period, infancy, toddler, early childhood and late childhood. Similarly, adulthood can be subcategorised into adult and old.

For the sake of this task, without complicating the discussion on the subject, let's keep only two stages as mentioned above. As for physical development is concerned, childhood is a stage of life when a human being is undergoing physical development and when the physical development has been completed, the human being is said to have achieved adulthood. Keeping the same parameters in view, law of land applies to these stages of life differently and so are the social, political and economic liabilities.


In our country, Childhood is the phase of life from birth to 18 years and adulthood commences thereafter. In our country child is not conferred the right to vote whereas the commencement of adulthood is marked by the grant of the right to vote. To begins with the right to vote, other laws of the land are also different for children and adults.

Adulthood or Childhood

I would prefer Adulthood over Childhood for the following reasons ;


Having attained mental and physical maturity, I am no longer impulsive or immature in any aspect of my life. Having passed through the phase of childhood, I have learned from the mistakes of my childhood and have gained experience from various phases of life. So I am in a position to guide others about right and wrong.

Now I am capable of making my decisions in life I am capable of understanding what is good for me and others as well. I am no longer self-centred as I used to be during childhood.

Financial Independence

As an adult, I am financially independent and I can take care of myself and my family. Being able to support others gives me a pleasant feelingng. In addition, I am also able to support weaker sections of society and that is also pleasing As a taxpayer, I contribute to the development of my society, so other people are indirectly benefitted from my financial lndependence. I can live in a way I want and can fulfil my desires.

On the contrary, childhood is a phase of financial dependence on adults and we may have to sacrifice our dreams for not being able to fulfil them because of financial dependency.

Responsible Citizen

As an adult, I consider myself a responsible citizen who can withstand own responsibilities and that of my family and society as well. As an adult, I have some role to play in society and therefore contribute something to my society. I am no longer dependent on anyone for my passion, dreams and desires etc.

Live my life

As an adult, I live my life according to my own will. I have right to take every decision of my life and there is no interference from any other. In childhood, we don't have the free will to make our decisions. Our parents or guardians have the authority to make decisions on our part that may or may not be suiting our interests. It is secondary that our parents won't make any wrong decision for us .

Influencer and contributor

As an adult, you can contribute to society in multiple ways. Let's take the example of the profession. In a civilized and progressive society, every profession has equal importance and is required for the survival of a society. I am a doctor and my job is vital for society. Similarly, other adult professionals like an engineer, a teacher, a lawyer etc have their contributions to society.

We can influence the decisions of others and guide them on a right track. People in society may like my profession or income and may want to become a doctor. So I may influence the decisions of others and guide them.

As an adult, I can make use of my right to vote and choose representatives for our self and those represratves can make laws and decisions for ourselves. So we are indirectly linked to bringing a change in society.

My childhood - Photograph of a photograph taken in 1998

In 2022 at home


Childhood and Adulthood are two inevitable stages of life . Every stage in life is important and has some peculiarities to explore. Childhood is as beautiful as adulthood. While child enjoy the fanticies and commit mistakes , they grow in experienced adults. As a child, we need love and care and as adults we need respect and stability. Our toys in childhood evolve as gadgets in adulthood. Let me conclude it on a remark that Childhood and adulthood are dependent on each other.


Now I am capable of making my decisions in life I am capable of understanding what is good for me and others as well. I am no longer self-centred as I used to be during childhood.

For me I think this is the main purpose of becoming an adult. To be able to think of what’s best for you and everyone in society. From learning what’s good and bad, one can be able to make the right decisions that will improve upon his/her life and others around him. I admire your post a lot, I wish you good luck.

Although not the main purpose but yeah it is one of the purposes .


Why is it like that,in childhood we want to be adults and in adulthood we miss childhood ?

You asked a good and realistic question to him. I would love to reply .

In childhood we are pressurised by issues like homework , parents etc and these things are not there in adults and ak we want to be adults .
In adulthood , we have too many responsibilities and stressors and those resp are not in kids, so we miss childhood.


I agree with this explanation . Thanks for the quest

 2 years ago 

Coincido contigo mi estimado @drqamu en que "La niñez y la edad adulta dependen una de la otra"
en la niñez teníamos esa inocencia que pese a las circunstancias, para nosotros todo estaba bien. Lo unico que tenemos ahora es el presente así que debemos disfrutarlo al máximo.

feliz inicio de semana!

You are right . We must enjoy our present . It is not possible to revive the time and get childhood back . However , we should use experience of past to make our present better .

 2 years ago 

You have written a well detail entry on the topic under review, you prefer adulthood because of the many reasons you have provided above which include financial freedom, maturity etc. Truly you can only have this as an adult, i wish you success in this contest my friend. Please also visit my blog and engage with me.

Good to see that you managed time to engage here through your valuable comment .

A lot of Information in one piece, I love the way you made your entry, quite different from others and today I learned about neonatal period, I have not heard of such period in childhood.

Childhood and adulthood are natural cause, Whether we like one or not, it is a stage we have or will pass through,

As you have said both are dependant in each other, but I also prefer a life full of freedom, independence, and experience

The is for sharing
A comment in my engagement publication will be appreciated.
Greeting and blessings

I learned about neonatal period, I have not heard of such period in childhood.

Your learning behaviour is going to pay you in long run . Neonatal period is first 28 days of life .

Thanks for engaging and i shall soon visit your blog as well.

 2 years ago 

As an adult, I am financially independent and I can take care of myself and my family.

It's true as an adult now it's your own responsibility to support your family and yourself no longer your parents..

This is the main reason why childhood taught us a lot. The experience that is gotten from childhood is what can help us to build our own family. Indeed you have written so well about childhood and adulthood. Best of luck to you.

The experience that is gotten from childhood is what can help us to build our own family.

Even the mistakes of childhood become experiences of adult and we gradually grow in better human beings.


 2 years ago 

Emotional maturity, financial independence, freedom in decision making, and the satisfaction of personal achievements are reasons that make you prefer adulthood.

Childhood is the stage to dream, and in adulthood dreams materialize.

Successes in the contest.

Childhood is the stage to dream, and in adulthood dreams materialize.

You are right .

Thank you

 2 years ago 

Genial participación amigo. La adultez es muy importante porque nos otorga la madurez para actuar y comprender cosas en la vida, también tenemos la libertad de hacer lo que queramos, siendo esto limitado cuando somos niños.

Tus fotos son geniales, tienes la misma mirada que cuando niño, jajaja.

Muy cierto que la adultez y niñez van de la mano, una depende de la otra. Saludos y éxitos.

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