The Diary game [4/05/2024] : Going to church, cooking stews, Reading, cleaning & washing clothes|| @ 25% to null

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month

Greetings steemians, happy weekend hope you all are having a wonderful time with your friends and family? Journey with me as I tell you how I spend my day so please sit tight and enjoy.

Morning section

In the morning I woke up around 6:45am get dressed for church because am already later for prayer early morning with Jesus, I boarded a bike that took me straight to my church, I joined people in the prayer and fellowship with my father.

Took this picture after the close of service

After church service I went home straight to do house chores like cleaning and sweeping of the compound

Me sweeping the compound

After my house chores I went to buy things I will use to cook stew before then yesterday night I decided to do hunting of snail in my compound that I will use to cook my food today.

Some few snail I caught over the night

It was very hard for me to see plenty snail around my neighborhood,the reason why I was lucky last night was because rain fell and our plantain plantation do attrack snails.

Tin tomato#7001.75steem
Fresh pepper#3000.75steem

The other ingredients like onion, groundnut oil, maggi, curry& thyme,salt, chicken leg and snail was already available at home, I didn't buy it.

I blended my onion and fresh pepper, after blending it, I cut my Pomo into smaller shapes, then I break the shell out of my snail and wash the slime off the body.


I put my pot on the gas, add my groundnut oil, after adding it, I then added my blended Onion and pepper together before stirring which I then added curry & thyme and mix together leave for 1minute before adding my maggi & salt and I added water



After that I added my dice Pomo with my wash snail and chicken leg stirred properly allowing it to cooked for 10min

The final results of my stew

Afternoon section

After cooking I decided to rest and read article here on steemit before carrying all my dirty clothes out to wash them, i used one hour to wash my clothes because I finish around 2pm then I took my bath, after bathing I went to boil rice so I can use it to eat my stew which I prepared in the morning, while the rice was still on the fire, I decided to read a Book Exploring your Relationship by Samson ajetomobi



I learnt so much from the book which the author wrote 👇

Maintaining healthy relationship requires discipline and boundaries to ensure they remain positive and constructive..
An healthy relationship requires confidence.

After reading to some chapter I went to eat picture below 👇



Evening section

I slept for an 30minute when I woke up I went to pack my clothes from the rope line and arrange them in my closet before getting ready for choir rehearsal because am a chorister.

After rehearsal on my way home I bought mango fruit which am going to lick when I get home.
Thanks for reading my article, thats how I spend my day 🤞


10% to @steemkidss


Your daily routine has been very busy. You served in church, did household chores, cleaning etc. After that you went to get the things and you were lucky that it rained in the night and you had to catch the snails. He met you in his banana garden and then you cooked. The best time is when we do something for ourselves after completing all the work, which you did by reading a book. You keep sharing your busy routine with us like this.

 29 days ago 

Thanks for taking out time to read through my daily activities,I will keep sharing more diarygame. Steem on🎉

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