"The Essence of Womanhood: Honoring the Pillars of Society"

in Steem Kids & Parents6 months ago (edited)

Assalam-O-Alaikum, Dear Friends

I hope you’re all doing well. You've likely heard the phrase "One character, many roles." Today, I want to delve into this idea, offering a perspective that perfectly embodies it—a woman.

The word "woman" holds immense respect in our society. Yet, in today's modern era, we sometimes forget its true value. In every aspect of life, we are incomplete without women. They play crucial roles in our lives, and we depend on them.

One character, Many roles


A woman is a mother, a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, a sister, a partner, and so much more. But amidst all these roles, we often overlook one fundamental truth: a woman is also a human being. Why do we struggle to treat women as equals to men? Why do we underestimate their abilities and their right to equality? Show me a part of life where women are not a vital part.

In fact, Islam grants women equal rights with men. Women are not lesser; they are just as significant. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best of you are those who are best to their women." This Hadith emphasizes the importance of respecting and treating women with kindness and equality.

Recently, we've been hearing tragic news, such as the rape of a medical student in India.

Safe us


This news is heartbreaking. Why aren't we discussing it more? What was her mistake? Was it that she wanted to be a good person for her society, to contribute positively to her community? This issue is not confined to India or any specific country. It exists in many societies, be it Pakistan, India, or elsewhere. One factor that plays a significant role in these issues is education.

In countries with higher levels of education, fewer cases of violence against women are reported. Thousands of years ago, people were illiterate; they buried their daughters alive. But Islam put an end to this barbaric practice. Today, however, we've merely changed the form of oppression. We rob women of their dignity and respect.

Women are as essential as water is to life. Tell me, who among us isn't the son of a mother? Who doesn't love his mother or care for his sister? This respect should extend beyond our families. We must respect all women as if they were our mothers or sisters.

A woman is the one who cares for you when you can't care for yourself.

Mother love


Do you know how much pain a woman endures when giving birth? According to science, this pain can feel like severe menstrual cramps, accompanied by intense pressure in the lower back and pelvis. Some women also experience sharp back pain, especially if the baby is positioned in a way that presses against the spine.

So, we should respect all women because every woman is someone's mother or sister. We must stop comparing them to men as if they are lesser. Women are not less than men—they are equally important.

Why Comparing


Treat women like your own sister mother keep this world happy and makes them smile


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Love to read your post. Our positive actions will surely empower womens.
