SEC-S14/W1 - Learn life from animal philosophy.

in Steem of Animals6 months ago
Which philosophy do you think suits you and state the reason.


My chosen Philosophy: Philosophy of Dolphins

I chose dolphins because they symbolize always helping anyone in need. Much like dolphins in the sea, i find joy and purpose in assisting others, which aligns with me in fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Have you implemented your chosen philosophy in your life?Tell us the results.

Yes, I've actively implemented this philosophy in my life by assisting others which has given me joy and fulfillment because witnessing the impact of small acts of kindness confirms the importance of this philosophy.Whether it's offering support to a friend in need or contributing to a charitable cause, the results are substantial.

How will this philosophy influence your life? Explain.

As i continue to navigate life's situation, the philosophy of dolphins remains a beacon, reminding me that, like these magnificent creatures, i can make a difference through empathy, compassion, and a willingness to lend a helping hand.
The influence extends beyond personal interactions to societal engagement. Being part of a community that embraces the philosophy of dolphins fosters a culture of support and understanding. It encourages collective efforts to address challenges and celebrates shared successes. In a world that often emphasizes individualism, this philosophy acts as a counterbalance, showing the strength found in unity.
This philosophy profoundly influences my life by shaping my interactions, emphasizing empathy, and fostering a culture of support. It contributes to a fulfilling and meaningful existence, emphasizing the importance of compassion and selflessness.

How do you feel after using the philosophy in your life?

Am happy knowing that my actions can positively impact others which creates a sense of contentment and happiness. Being generous not only benefits those in need but also enriches one's own life. The more i help, the more i recognize the transformative power of compassion, leaving an indelible mark on both those that receive assistance and myself too. I invite @patjewell, @greentree and @josepha to take part in this contest💙

 6 months ago 

You know I could not enter this contest as I could not decide which animal I am.
There is a little of me in all of them.

Dolphins! If you live at the coast like me and you see the dolphins, one word comes to mind: playful!
They are extremely playful in the waves of the ocean.
When my hubby goes out with the boat, he says it is amazing to see how they play next to the boat.

Keep on swimming! And... good luck with the contest!


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator07. We support quality posts and comments!
Curated by : @edgargonzalez

 6 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 in the Steem of Animals Community,

The culture of providing help to others, with full understanding without thinking about differences.

The presentation of your post is great and I wish you all the best for the competition. Wish you success.

Team verification results

Club Status#club75
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
AI Free
Score (quality/rules)9.1/10

Determination of Club Status refers to the

Best Regards
Steem of Animals community team.

 6 months ago 

Thank you for inviting me. Showing kindness is a good thing. Success to you.

 6 months ago 

Hola amiga

Mucha gente no cree que ayudando a otro podemos ser felices piensan solo que se les puede acabar sus recursos si los emplean en ayudar a otros.

Pero usted y yo hemos experimentado que ayudar a otras personas nos hace muy felices también escogí el delfín en mi publicación.

Suerte en tu concurso

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