RE: "SEC-S14/W1-Aprender la vida desde la filosofía animal."
"Las hormigas al igual que los bachacos tiene una peculiaridad que es digno de admirar en estos diminutos animales productos de la naturaleza, ya que ellos son unidos, hacen todo el trabajo enr."
The unity and untiring working culture of ants is surely a valuable lessons. It's inspiring how these tiny creatures exemplify collaboration and persistence in achieving their goals. Recently one old man in my relation told me a story of ant to enforce spirit of persistemce and that was truly inspiring.
"Sí, durante mi corta vida sobre la faz de la tierra, siempre he trabajado junto con mi familia, mi esposo, ya que he sido criada con este valor de la unidad, desde pequeña hasta ahora con familia, he sido equitativa con el trabajo en casa, ."
Your commitment is truly commendable and reflect a sense of shared responsibility and empathy within the family.
Good luck
Hello dear friend.
I am glad that these short reflections about ants have reminded you of a story of the benefits when working in unity, this is something great if we all did it for the common good.
Thank you for your visit and comment.
God bless.