Milking method and care of village cows.

in Steem of Animalslast month

Hello friends, how are you all? Hope you all are well. I am also fine by the grace of Allah. Starting my post by greeting everyone. Today I am going to discuss with you about information in milking method and care of village cows. Hope you like it .Today I am going to discuss with you. How to adopt milking method from a village cow. I am going to discuss with you how to take care.


A few days ago I observed the milking process of a cow at home. Next to our house there is a big house, inside this house there are many kinds of cows. They keep many kinds of small and big cows. I woke up in the morning at 7:00 am to see their cows milking their cows.I will visit the milking system today. I stayed inside the house while waiting. As I entered the house I noticed. There are many cows in this house. So a woman was coming to milk a cow.Cows look very fat fresh and fresh and milk yield seems high.


So while I was waiting I saw a woman coming to milk the cow. I was sitting there. Even then I noticed a cow fat fresh. A man had to bring the cow and tie it to a tree.Then this moment I took many pictures of them. I noticed a woman sitting in front of the cow with a milking bottle in her hand.Then I noticed the man discussing various things with the woman.Then the woman took some water in a bottle. The water was placed in front of the cow and the milk was thoroughly washed from the bottom of the cow's olan.At this point I took many pictures of them. They were looking at my picture when I took the picture. And they asked the pictures to take all the pictures.


This house was a very big house. There are many cows in this house. Cows have small babies. The cows were always moving around, I noticed that there were five to six small calves in this house.When I entered the house. Then I noticed different types of calves in this house.Then the milking process brought a calf to the front of the cow earlier. The calf slowly ate some of the cow's milk. After finishing milking, a man tied the cow to a tree.Then at this moment I took quite a few pictures.


Then the woman slowly cleaned the water from the bottle completely, placing the empty bottle under the cow. Slowly started milking the cow. After milking for some time, they again took a break. Then the woman started milking again.Thus after 20 to 30 minutes their milking process was complete.After the milking process is over, they take certain positions in front of the cow. And they released the calf that was tied to the tree. The calf slowly began to drink milk from the bottom of the cow.I took some pictures of this moment.


Then I slowly approached the man and the woman. I discussed various issues with them. They gave me various information about cows. I listened carefully to their information. I took many pictures of the milk in their jugs at the moment.Then I stayed in that house for some more time. Then I slowly left the house. I came back to our house.


I noticed when I arrived. There are many cows and small calves standing on the road and eating grass. I took many pictures of them at this moment.Done here for today. I will discuss some other issues in front of you later. Until then, stay well, stay healthy, God bless.

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 28 days ago 

A lot of trouble and time spent creating a post.If you don't review the post, we are disappointed.Still not considered eligible for booming support from your community. It's very sad.@f2i5

Hi Hanif
Its great pleasure that you share the method of milking cow with us. This is very hard not any kind if normal person can done. Just the people do regular this work for those this is the simple work. You visit this cow house for just sharing the method of milking is Fabolous and fantastic. In this way the city people's know how to to milk a cow. Keep up the good work.

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