SEC-S14/W2-My favorite pet : Cat

in Steem of Animals7 months ago

Greetings, Everyone. I am participating in the contest of Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 - Week 2. For the second week of Engagement Challenge season 14, Steem of Animals community picked a nice theme SEC-S14/W2 | What is your favorite pet?. I am very glad to taking part in this contest. I am also inviting everyone to take part in the contest.


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What is your favorite pet? Give your reasons

There are so many cute animals in the world. Humans love to adopt these animals. Because these animals give us company in our loneliness. Pets can also understand our love for them. Among the numerous pet animals, cat and dog is the favorite animals among animal lovers. I also love animals and Cat is my favorite animal.

There are a lot of reasons for loving the cat as a pet animal. A cat is one of the cutest animals in this world. I think I adopted this animal because it goes with my character. Because I am peaceful and cats are also peaceful. I could raise a dog. In our religion dogs are not permissible to adopt for some characteristic of the dogs. So I love to raise a cat instead of a dog.


A native cat doesn't need so much care. So it's easy to raise a cat in my home. Most cats like to be around people, except for some feral cats. Cats are very cute. Their cuteness will make you love them. I also love cats for their playful nature and their funny moves. Their funny moves will make you smile. Cats are such cheerful creatures that not only sleep strangely, but they will also entertain you.

“I’m not sure why I like cats so much. I mean, they’re really cute obviously. They are both wild and domestic at the same time.” – Michael Showalter

I raised cats for a long time. Now the cat is like one of the members of my family. When I spend boring time at home or my mood is messed up for any reason I try to communicate with my cats and play with them. Their existence makes me joyous and keeps me away from depression for a few moments.


I think the almighty grants this creature an extraordinary ability to become our friend in our lonely times. If you have no friends or you have fewer friends, you can raise a cat. When you take care of your cat, you will find a good friend in the innocence of this animal and its tendency to stay beside you. Somehow it will help you to put off the discomfort of loneliness and lack of companionship will not affect your mind.

Do you have one or more?

Right now, I have two cats. My mom took care of them. The elder cat in the house is 4 years and 5 months old. And the age of the younger cat is maybe 8-9 months old. I don't clearly know the age of my black colored cat. Because I found this cat in my garden.


The younger cat in my house

Then it was a skinny kitten and probably lost her mother. It was searching for food. My mom used to provide food for the cat and the cat was not leaving our house. Because it was too little and helpless. So I started to keep the cat in my house. I didn't give him any name yet.


The elder cat in my house

The name of the elder cat is "Haulo". The name is given by me. Haulo's mother was adopted by my family. Then we didn't find his mother. She was a bit sick and may died somewhere in our colony. We didn't get her anywhere.

Some unique features of the cats (Real photos).

Both cats are cute and funny. Cats are a bit lazy animals. My cats are also lazy. They used to sleep in the morning and night. My younger cat most of the time stays at home.

The elder cat sometimes spends 1-2 days outside of the house. He goes far away from our home. He stays home for a little. Most of the time he sleeps in the morning. He goes outside in the afternoon. He checked our home several times and also left the house many times.


The elder cat didn't play so much. He is a bit silent and when he comes home he searches for food. When he gets hungry he goes near Mom and asks for food by meowing. My mom also understands when the cat asks for food.


My younger black cat is most playful in my house. When I lay down on my bed he came near me and sat down on my body. Then he took a sleep. If I get up and sit down then he will again come near me and take a rest on my legs. He also makes funny moves. We raised some chickens. The younger cat used to play with them. He didn't eat so much food like haulo. But he sleeps more than Haulo.

What have you prepared for your favorite pet? About his house, About his care, About his food, About everything. Explain

I care for my favorite cats. When they get sick I try to take them to the veterinarian near me. Most of the time my mom took care of the cats. Especially since she loves the elder cat so much. Because she raising this cat for a long time.

My mom provides them with food three times a day. I also provide them with food often. Rice with fish is a favorite food for the cats. They also drink milk and eat cake, sweets, biscuits, meat etc.

My cats are vaccinated to keep them healthy and virus-free. Both cats used to sleep in one corner of the bed or they can sleep anywhere of the house.

Both of the cats are one of the members of our family. If they lost or died for some reason my mom and me get very upset. Indeed, a cat is our favorite pet for my family. So we cared for them so much.


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I am inviting @waterjoe, @pea07 & @damithudaya to take part in the contest SEC-S14/W2 | What is your favorite pet?

Thank you for reading ❤️

 7 months ago 

Los gatos son muy inteligentes, usted fue muy buena por darles un hogar y mantenerlos como parte de la familia.

Son muy bonitos no había visto gatos de ese color, me gustó mucho su post

 7 months ago 

Your words are a lot to me. Wishing you success. Thank you.

 7 months ago 

It's delightful to see the genuine bond you share with them, offering a sense of companionship and joy. Your commitment to their well-being, including regular veterinary care, proper food, and vaccinations, showcases responsible pet ownership.

 7 months ago 

Thanks a lot for your beautiful comment. ❤️

 7 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 14 in the Steem of Animals Community,

When you keep a cat and make it your favorite animal, its very cute behavior makes you love it even more.

The presentation of your post is great and I wish you all the best for the competition. Wish you success.

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Club Status#club5050
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Best Regards
Steem of Animals community team.

 7 months ago 

Thank you very much for the review.

"My Favourite pet is cat" got my attention, although I'm not a cat lover, but people say they make good company and they can be so clingy and protective.
I also know they love eating fish.

I enjoyed reading through

 6 months ago 

Thank you.

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Tanto que aprender de los gatos que, es muy encantador cuando les damos la oportunidad de formar parte de nuestra vida. Te confieso que diariamente me sorprendo por una nueva cualidad que descubro en mi gato y, a raíz de esto digo que es mi maestro de vida.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 7 months ago 

You are absolutely right. They become a part of our life. Thanks a lot for you comment. Wishing you success ❤️

 7 months ago 

The cats has a lot of characters that we human has not and they are so adorable. I love the nature of cat especially when they care for the owner, they cling to their body with love and their soft fur makes them look great. I enjoyed your entry. Good luck!

 7 months ago 

Thank you very much. Good wishes for you.

 7 months ago 

Hello friend
You live cats as they are the cutest if pets. You stressed that they move funny and could lighten your mood with their funny moves. It's interesting to note that cats depicts your character of quietness and would always be your favorite pet. Success in the challenge my dear friend

 6 months ago 

Thank you so much. Wishing you success.

 7 months ago 

Indeed my brother 🤝😍 pet animal always keep us company and I like the fact that you have chosen cat as your favourite pet as it matches your personality and you are always comfortable and happy being around him.
For you a cat is the cuteness animal in the world and you are happy that it always play with you and make yoi happy.

Your cat are really amazing as they do things differently, the older cat is not a play type as he only go close to you mum when he is hungry but the little one play very well which is giid to hear.

You really take care if your cat as you always make sure that they stay healthy and eat good food, I really enjoyed reading your entry and I wish you success 🙏 my brother.

 6 months ago 

Thanks a lot for your beautiful comment.

 6 months ago 

You are welcome 🤗 my friend

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

You love cats aa your pets. You are raising them since long ago. Yeah cats have too much qualities. They are so polite, cute and innocent. I love cats too for their innocence.

However my favorite pet is Horse. I really want to buy the expensive Arabic breed when I have money. I will buy other animals too and will make a farmhouse for them.

Wish you very best of luck in the contest.

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much

 7 months ago 

Tu amor por los gatos es increíble. Me alegro mucho que puedas tener varios y darle los cuidados que merecen.

Que bueno tengas tantas experiencia conviviendo con gatos. Realmente son pacificos y nos alegra muchísimo cuando estamos deprimidos.

Ellos son maravillosos y merecen todo nuestro amor. Muchas gracias por compartir compartir

 6 months ago 

Thank you very much.

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