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RE: SEC S17W2: "Protecting children"


Desde la fundación de las civilizaciones hemos sabido que a los niños se les considera una mano de obra productiva y barata, así que los opresores se aprovechan de la inocencia para explotarlos en trabajos forzosos.

It's disheartening to acknowledge that throughout history, children have been seen as mere tools for labor, easily exploitable due to their innocence. This reminds me of stories my grandparents shared about the harsh realities faced by children in their time, where many were forced into labor at a very young age, depriving them of their childhood.

Un niño no está listo para trabajar y eso lo tenemos que tener bien en claro.

Absolutely, it's crucial to recognize that a child is not equipped physically or emotionally for the demands of labor. I remember when I was young, my parents always emphasized the importance of education and playtime, stressing that work should come later in life when I was fully prepared for it.

Estoy segura que ningún niño que sufre esclavitud, ha de estar soñando con seguir siendo explotado, maltratado y frustrado en sus sueños de libertad.

It's a heartbreaking truth that children trapped in slavery are not dreaming of a life of continued exploitation and mistreatment. Their dreams are likely filled with hopes of freedom, safety, and the chance to pursue their passions. This resonates deeply with me as I think about the countless children around the world who deserve the opportunity to dream and thrive without the burden of oppression.

All the best

 last month 

Hola mi querido amigo, agradezco que te hayas tomado el tiempo para leerme y compartir también tu experiencia y la de tus abuelos.
Siempre ha existido la esclavitud infantil y es una tristeza que en pleno siglo XXI sigamos gestando este claro comportamiento de la maldad de los adultos contra los niños.

Dios nos ayude a ser conscientes y de alguna manera luchar contra la esclavitud de los más vulnerables de la sociedad.
Gracias por pasar por aquí

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