in RECREATIVE STEEM25 days ago

Hello, friends welcome to my post in which I have discussed heat stroke as part of my participation in this 👉contest organized by @oneray

On my phone, I have many useful Apps which I am using. I have a banking app, crypto wallet app, mining app, and other applications which I am using on my phone. From the screenshot image that is shared below you can see some of my applications.


The first App on the list is Access Bank App which I am using for monetary transactions such as transferring money to loved ones, paying bills, recharging my phone, and doing many other things. With this App on my phone, I don't bother going to the banking hall to check my balance or to know if someone has sent Money into my account.

Binance is another of the most used apps on my phone which I am using for the crypto market. Binance is the app that I normally use for buying and selling cryptocurrencies and even staking. It is a user-friendly app. Also, I link my Binance app to Google authenticator which I am using as an external security for preventing people from having access to most of my app.

Google Chrome is the app that I am using for browsing and posting my Steemit posts. I am using the app for carrying out Steemit activities such as posting, commenting, upvoting, and doing other things on the Steemit platform.


The Markor app is the app, that I am using for typing my Steemit post, before publishing it on the Steemit platform. Now, besides this app which I have talked about, I have another interesting app that I didn't talk about. I have WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Drive, YouTube, Bible, Boomplayer, Google Meet and many others on my phone that I am using.

I am inviting: @simonnwigwe, @entity01, and @dave-hanny

10% to @hive-141434


Saludos amigo.

Las app de los bancos son tan necesarias y prácticas con unos sencillos pasos podemos mover el dinero, cancelar,transferir y recargar planes y servicios como TV o teléfono.

Yo uso una app llamada Jw library es lo máximo,no solo para leer la Biblia sino que tamb puedo descargar publicaciones, videos y canciones relacionadas con ello. Te la recomiendo 😉

Y voy a descargarMarkor me interesa para escribir en Steemit, gracias por la recomendación 😉

Hasta le próxima

Thanks for introducing me, to the Bible version you are using. I will download it.

Hola amigo tenemos casi prácticamente las mismas aplicaciones sabe que somos personas que necesitamos estar siempre conectados con lo que son las entidades bancarias y con las aplicaciones de intercambio de criptomonedas para estar pendiente de los precios y por supuesto tenemos la aplicación de los buscadores del Chrome es el más popular creo que son las aplicaciones más populares las he visto en varios publicaciones creo que nosotros los Cripto entusiastas tenemos casi siempre las mismas aplicaciones en nuestro teléfono

I literally use the app on my phone everyday. Thanks for stopping by.


Hey @josepha,

Very interesting contest. We all are using many applications in our mobile and many are useful for us. I like that you also using binance and trading crypto. I would like to say you working hard on steemit and you posting via chrome. It's so difficult for me to post via mobile. I like those type of contest and please invite me, I'll also participate in this one.

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