Craft Tutorial : Made a beautiful paper mug by using colour paper.

in RECREATIVE STEEM2 years ago

Assalamualaikum my friends.What are you doing my friends? And how are you all? I hope you all are extremely good by the grace of Almighty Allah. I am also very well and enjoying my day with my family & friends.Today I want to share my another handicrafts post to the "RECREATIVE STEEM" community. Their support makes me more active and I come with another post craft post and today I make a beautiful paper mug by using a square size green colour paper. I hope you all will enjoying my craft. So let's began.


Necessary Materials:

  • Green colour paper.
  • White paper.
  • Glue.
  • Signature pen.
  • Ruler.
  • Sicssor.

Making process step by step:

Step 1,

  • First I take a4 size green colour paper and then I mesure it (20×20)cm square size and cut that part by using sicssor. Then I fold the paper into four equal parts.


Step 2,

  • In the next step I fold the paper again same way as before I folded.


Step 3,

  • Then I fold the folded paper in half again. Then I cut the right side of the paper.


Step 4,

  • Then I pair the two sides of the paper together to help the glue.


Step 5,

  • Then I cut the right side of the paper to the folded part of the sicssor.


Step 6,

  • Then I fold the cut part of the paper and attach it to the other with the glue.


Step 7,

  • Then I take another green colour paper and then fold it and turn it into a flat stick.


Step 8,

  • Then I attach that stick to the mug by using glue.


Step 9,

  • After that I take the signature pen and draw eyes and mouth picture on the mug and then cut a small pieces of roung white paper and attach it to the eyes as shown below.


Step 10,

  • After that It’s I complete my beautiful paper mug making and it’s look so beautiful.



That's it my friend and this way I complete my beautiful paper mug making .Thanks everyone for a little time. I hope you all enjoyed my today’s mug making process. Soon I will come with my another beautiful handicrafts. Good bye everyone.

Best Regards




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