NATIONS UNIES, you may know it by its more commonly used name United Nations. Formed ...

in APPICS5 years ago

... almost 75 years ago to bring peace, dignity and equality to a planet going through time of war and hatred. The UN stood for something so great and powerful and yet neutral and in that time, was exactly what was needed. The intention of being a powerful governing agency with pure and with neutral decision making process of its, it held a promise for a peaceful world, that focused less on politics and more on advancement of human kind and our humanity. To most including me it stood as a symbol of hope and integrity, in times when there was none.
Unfortunately, today the UN is nothing more than a stage for the world leaders to hold their verbal fights and play the blame game.
Each one of us has the power to bring the UN back and bring it back with the power it should have, you have the power and it is your right, so use your rights and help make this world a better place for everyone and for the people who will follow us.


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