The Dairy Game " betterlife" In Steemit Nursery By @haseebulhassan ||20/06/2021||

in Steemit Nursery3 years ago



Morning time

Morning breakfast and going to havali lakha

  • Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I woke up in the morning, I prayed the morning prayer, then I left school. Because today we had to going to havali lakha I had to have my doctor check up because I had a bad eye. I had to wear spectacles and I had to get my check up from the doctor. I had breakfast in the morning. After breakfast we all started preparing to going to havali lakha.

Evening time we have reached havali lakha and go to doctor

  • We had to go to the havali lakha. with my uncle. We prepared well. After preparing, Uncle brought the car out on the road. Then we got in the car and the car started moving. We arrived in an hour. We went to our aunt's house.


We had a great time with our cousin.

Evening time returning back home

  • Then we went to the doctor and had our eyes checked. I have glasses. I took the frame of my choice and started


preparing to go home. Our uncle came to pick us up. We arrived in about an hour. Then we had dinner. We were very tired and we fell asleep.



LeoFinance is Live on Steem Network

Finally LeoFinance is here on STEEM Network and we will make the steem network more mainsteem in front of the world.
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