Beauty of Creativity|| Beautiful Girl drawing with led Pencil
Greetings Beauty Of Creativity from @ammar79
here is the original image.
I got it from google
- Plain paper
- Lead Pencil
- Razor
- some ordinary pencils color
- ruler scale
Working steps
I have done all this work on plain white paper with a led pencil and scale. then I fill it with the same led pencil. It takes almost 2 hours. I made this image on my second try. this drawing was difficult to copy
first, I Draw her hands. here I spent a lot of my time it is very difficult to draw them with the same angle
then next step is to draw her face structure with hair. I draw all the face objects by erasing serval times. It was the hardest part. i was bored while making them
then I draw her Body with a dress it was a simple and easy job I really enjoyed this part and done it in a couple of minutes
now Finally I colored it with the same led pencil got this view
Thanks for giving your time to my post. Waiting for your reviews on Comments
Wao, you really complete it with perfect way 😊
thank you