The Diarygame Tuesday 16th April 2024:( My Fulfilled Day)

in Steem4Nigeria2 months ago
How my day went!



Its a Tuesday morning as about 6:30am ,my baby woke me up, I got up from bed, carried my baby ,gave her a kiss and taught her how to say goodmorning to mummy and daddy.
After that I went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast , yam pepper soup.
Here is a brief step on how to prepare yam pepper soup:
Firstly, peel the yam, that Is separate the yam from the peel,
Then wash it thoroughly with clean water, with the cooking pot ready, pour the washed yam into the pot, pour in water based on the quantity of yam and how u want your pepper soup to be. Put it on fire, add fish. Crayfish, pepper, onions,Maggi and salt, some people like to add some spices and scent leave but I like my own as stated above . The yam will be left to boil for about 30minutes or more, boom, yam pepper soup is ready.
After I was done with that, I took my bath , got dressed up, pick up my baby and gave her a bath.
I made her food and fed her. Then enjoy my sumptuous yam pepper soup.
We had some rest there after



Later in the day I prepared coconut oil rice, here is the step for it:
Parboiled the rice, filter it and pour in a bowl,
Pound crayfish, slice onions, blend your pepper and wash your fish,
Pour coconut oil in a dry pot on fire, fry the onions and crayfish, add the quantity of water depending on the cups of rice being cooked, add salt, Maggi, fish and some curry spices ,cover it for It to boil, then pour the parboiled rice into the pot,stir it and leave it to dry.


I later spent time with my baby.
Children are precious gifts from God,
I am so happy to always be around my child ,(joy of motherhood)
What is the joy of motherhood?
Joy of motherhood is simply the joy derived from performing maternal duties, these duties include;
Taking care of the child , physically and emotionally.
Physically has to do with bathing the baby, feeding the baby, changing the baby's diapers depending on the age,
Emotionally has to do with hearing and listening to the child complaints then find a solution to it.
Children are fun to be with, especially a child who is up to the age of understanding parents love.


Conclusively, I had a great day, spending time with family and caring for them brings innermost joy, and I am happy to share how I spent my day with you friends.


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