Steemit Engagement Challenge 2 | Steem4Nigeria Contest | My Manifesto for the next President by @patjewell

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My fellow South Africans,
Being a President of a nation is no easy task and a post I never thought I want.
I had to rethink by thoughts as my beloved country is being lead down by its current governing party and leaders.
It is with great honour and integrity that I would like to serve my country by being SMART and present my manifesto with you, the nation.
S – Specific – My intentions
M – Measurable - How to measure the proposed changes
A– Achieve - Will I be able to accomplish the changes?
R – Realistic - Is my changes realistic?
T – Time-bound – The time period for these changes
South Africans are worried about the future of the country. Johnny Clegg was so right in his song when I sang about “Scatterings of Africa”.
I am convinced that we can turn the country around creating opportunities for South Africans to stay and not to go in search elsewhere.
My manifesto is based on 4 crucial points
- The basic rights as citizens
- Strengthen the economy
- Sustainable and affordable housing
- To rule in the interest of the people
Clean drinkable water for all with a safe sanitary environment is a basic right for all citizens. Water is a source of life and the first right citizens must have access to while together with a clean sanitary environment it will contribute to the health of millions of South Africans.
Challenges we are facing:
It is clear that South Africa is facing a water crisis. We have seen a city like Cape Town with as close as 2% available water and “Day Zero” looming at times over the last few years.
Aging infrastructures like pipes and water plants are a huge problem as government has neglecting servicing these units.
Overall the sewerage system in South Africa is showing signs of collapsing. Figures which were release indicated that only 58 of the 824 is currently supplying clean water.
We have seen on National television how sewerage is running in the streets of many of the local municipalities.
My intentions:
I want South Africans to have access to clean and running water at all times and I want to ensure that there is no human waste contaminating the streets where our children are playing.
How to achieve this:
- Servicing and replacing of infrastructure on a regular basis to prevent bursting of pipes etc.
- Ensuring fast turnaround times fixing and restoring water pipes and other infrastructure to ensure the reducing of wasting of water and sewerage spills in the street
- Workable and health compliant waste plants at all times while risks are minimized
- The regularly testing of drinkable water
- Encouraging the installation of pre-paid water meters, low-flow and waterless toilet systems
- Replacement of pit toilets or latrines on all municipal grounds like schools
- Ongoing information sessions with local communities, businesses and citizens regarding saving water and alternative water supplies like boreholes
- Introducing of management plans to local municipalities
Time is of the essence:
Most of the suggestions can be implemented with immediate effect. The only long term challenge is the servicing and changes to infrastructure. To ensure that citizens have water in areas where the infrastructure has collapsed I will make sure that water tanks is place and rotated on a regular basis. Burst sewerage pipes will receive high priority.
The economy is the heart of any country. It is through strengthening the economy that jobs are created and investors obtained.
Challenges we are facing:
Projects which are not sustainable and costly introduced by government is make it difficult for local municipalities to keep their heads above water.
There are so many red tape and regulations for new businesses like BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) which makes it impossible for small entrepreneurs to start a full blown business
Poor public infrastructure like roads and transport makes it impossible for investors to commit to investing. The supply of electricity is making it difficult not only for local businesses but also for recruiting investors.
It is not easy to obtaining trading licenses which makes it difficult to attract overseas investors.
Educational problems for young children to young adults.
My intentions:
My intention is to start with basic service deliveries as it will eliminate so many of the economic problems and unemployment rate. Thereafter I will make it easier for new businesses to get off the ground and at the same time grant investors the opportunities to invest in South Africa. Lastly, I will invest in the people of the country.
How to achieve this:
- Development and implementation of new infrastructures
- Free quality education for all
- Providing infrastructure for informal traders
- Making government land available for potential farmers
- Asses and changes to policies and regulations regarding start-up businesses and investors
- Lessen the turn-around time for starting a new business
- Implementing programs whereby temporary workers are transformed into full time employees
- By using local service providers with good references
- Participating and hosting International Trade Fairs and doing business surveys
- To be pro-active in the recruiting of investors
Time is of the essence:
Except for the new infrastructure the other suggestions are easily obtainable.
To enable a smoother and faster process I will bring in the help of various committees to assist with the assessment and roll out process. These committees will be formed between local residence, businesses and municipalities.
I do believe that providing for adequate housing is a basic human right and should be implemented by countries all over the world. People deserve the right to have a roof of their heads.
Challenges we are facing:
Over the last few budget speeches and implementation thereof we have seen a cut in the budget for providing sustainable housing to the people of South Africa.
There has been a high increase of numbers of immigrants flocking to South Africa with the result that local municipalities are seeing more and more informal settlements being developed where there is no supply of any basic services.
My intentions:
To provide South Africans and immigrants with housing to sustain the growth of the country.
How to achieve this:
- Get government to increase the budget for adequate housing
- To establish a housing policy which is achievable
- Provide equal opportunities for all the people living in South Africa through guaranteed housing
- To making housing more affordable
- Find the right location with the correct zoning
- Upgrading of existing informal settlements
- Support to the homeless
Time is of the essence
It is the one change which will take time. However, the result in the end will be rewarding.
In the interim period local municipalities can look at empty government building, town halls and other governing buildings which are not in use to provide a temporary roof for those who are living on the street.
Lastly, teaching citizens on how to build and where to build their homes is vital and it can be implemented immediately through local municipalities and communities.
I am of the believe that all Presidents and governments must govern to the interest of the whole nation.
Challenges we are facing:
Corruptions on government level is high and we face appointments in key positions where the employee is not qualified to do the job.
South Africans are left with high rates, a fuel price where the government is taking nearly 20% and service which are not delivered.
Bribes are paid to officials so that they can perform their duties.
Government is failing to put relief measurements in place as seen with the recent floods South Africa experienced.
My intentions:
It will be my goal to govern in the interest of the people of South Africa making sure that action is taken against corruption, crime and general discrimination of the public.
How to achieve this:
- I will stand for good practise at all times eliminating corruption
- I will act stronger against crime
- I will ensure that wasteful projects is stopped not only by government but also my municipalities
- I will enforce the use of the best available technology
- I will ensure that the right people is appointed in the right jobs
- I will promote a fair tender practise
- I will encourage the residence to get involve in their communities and municipalities
- I will ensure that the correct and effective disaster management policies are put in place
Time is of the essence:
Only with the support and interaction of residence, businesses, communities and municipalities can we make sure that we act in the interest of the people at no time.
South Africa,
I am committed to stand as your next President and to ensure that I rule to the best interest of the people of South Africa. Are you?
The decision is now with you to make the right cross on the next ballot paper.
Your next President.
10% to Steem4Nigeria
I invite;

Yeah you are right dear ma, corruption has caused lot of problems and deaths in our countries today. No country would high corruption rate that's is going to survive or progress, so therefore everyone president should make sure corruption is eradicated from his sociaty and government permanently before any growth can occur in the environment or country
Thanks for sharing such lovely article, wishing you success.
Corruption is a cause of so many problems and it saddens me. I cannot understand how people can enriched themselves to the cost of others.
Thank you for reading and engaging with my post.
It is appreciated 🤛🏻
You have shown your love for the people of South Africa and Africa as a whole through your manifesto, you sure would make a qualified and capable president.
When I wrote the post I came to the realisation that we don’t really know what our President’s goes through. Will they ever make us happy?
I doubt it 😊
Thank you for reading and engaging with my post.
Wow @patjewell I must commend your writing skills and can't help but to read all the whole work.
Your manifesto is very rich as it has promised to address issues like housing, infrastructure, improving the economy so that prices of food,gas and other forms of energy won't be too high for the average man.You also promised to work on sewage disposal,water and sanitize the education sector.I am like someone like you to rule South Africa.You are the type of leader in this season.
Awh!! With your kind words I’ve got my one foot in parliament. Thank you my friend
How I wish I could have enforced these changes.
My fellow citizens deserve to have these basic rights.
Thank you for your support!
This is a detailed manifesto @patjewell. I know you will make a good president. I'm with you on this new path.
I hope your vision for your country is achieved.
Thanks for sharing!
If only it can be put into practice! It will make me the happiest president on earth 😊
Thank you for reassurance and engaging with my post. I would love to make you part of my government
My President! I give you total support. I have been reading about the manifestos of people since the beginning of this contest and one thing that is common is corruption, especially in many African nations.
What do you think African nations can do to free ourselves from corrupt leaders?
Umh good question. I’m not sure if you know about the Gupta brothers and South Africa” state capturing.
Well we heard yesterday that they were captured in Dubai this after they thought they were untouchable.
And that is what must happen, capture those who are guilty and lock them away!
Seeing a lot of entries, i have been expecting yours, i wonder what imagination the elect president will put to place, as you have said being a president is not an easy job, but electing a patriotic citizen like you will see to the betterment of the country, as you have mentioned the clean water problem which is currently a problem in our beloved south africa will be put according as we believe the solution your imagined will be implemented.
Thanks for your presentation your excellency
I cannot help but to smile. Your excellency, gosh I never thought I will hear someone call me that even if it is short lived 😊
Thank you for reading my manifesto!
I would like for you to be my Minister of Expectations!
Misiter of expectation, i would be glad to accept the offer and surprise you more with different expectations haha
Haha! You've made my day!
Honestly, it's not actually to be a president of a Nation it might be looking juice but once you get there you will know the difference.
But I believe if you are giving the mandate you will do better than any other person in your country. I must say that I love your courage.
It is indeed not easy. I don’t think you will ever be able to satisfied the whole nation. Indeed a difficult job.
If only my manifesto can be put into practice! It will change South Africa forever!
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia
Thank you!
Wow! Your manifesto is superb. I like the way you tried to state all the problems as well as what needs to be done to curb the problem. With the 4 points stated, I think you have my vote and support to move South Africa to the next level. Kudos and congratulations Mrs President. You did well grandma @patjewell
Awh thank you for the vote!
It is great to have you on my side
How I wish it was so easy to change our countries.
Maybe I must just walk into parlement and hand it out to all the members.
Thank you for engaging with my post! 🌼