TRON and Steemit Integration Celebration: The future of BloggingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in GEMS4 years ago

Ever since Justin Sun came into the Steem community, I figured it was only a matter of time before TRX would find its way into the blogging side of Steem. Actually, I thought the plan would be to absorb Steem and all the front-ends, but things didn't go that way. Actually, things went the opposite way because we now have TRX running on Steem front-end.

On the surface of it, I thin integrating TRX into Steemit is a nice idea. I mean, this will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the value of Steem because we will generally have reason to stake our Steem and if need be, we can sell the SBD or TRX to cater for our daily needs.

Symbiotic Relationship

I also think that integrating TRX to Steem will invariably lead to an increase in the number of people using this platform. As we all know, TRON is huge and if this plan works out, we will have a bigger crowd here.

Establishing a symbiotic relationship between the extremely active Tron community and Steem community is a win-win for both parties. First of all, people on Tron now have a place filled with crypto enthusiasts to shill their various Tron based projects on. The knock-on effect is that more people will also hear about Steem and will most likely build projects on Steem as well.

In the face of the pandemic and the large number of jobs that have been lost, this is the best time for people with passive or professional interest in blogging to take a punt. Due to the combination of TRX and STeem, a new earning opportunity opens up for the masses from all over the world.

Staking Staking Staking

This union between Steem and TRX also opens up an extra means to earn passive income from your income around here. People on Steem already had the opportunity of earning passively from their staked Steem or from curation.

However, with the introduction of TRX into the system, users can also earn passive income by first freezing and then voting for servers that yield passive income as well.

This means that as a blogger on Steem network, you earn a lot more than most other front-ends offer and you work in a place where you can get reward from your hard work.

In the future, I would encourage more marketing for this new feature will go a long way in encouraging more people to join the community. If I were in charge, I'd start a Twitter campaign that will highlight the benefits of this move.


you know i had written a post on this topic, that you said that entry of sun in this ,, so i agree with you, and both coin will get great boost in crypt o market , in future ,

In addition to Staking, one simple methods of earning tron is to set post to 100 % power up and thereby earn more tron as well as SP in proportion of 1:1 .

Thank you.

#onepercent #india #affable

Thank you for taking part in the TRON and Steemit Integration Celebration Challenge.

And thank you for setting your post to 100% Powerup.

Keep following @steemitblog for the latest updates.

The Steemit Team

Hi @belemo

Thanks for sharing link to this publication with me buddy.

Actually, I thought the plan would be to absorb Steem and all the front-ends, but things didn't go that way.

Indeed. Many people shared similar fear. Until now! :D

I partly wish we could also stake our TRX and delegate it via Steemit. Right now all we can do is ... sell it :(

Cheers, Piotr

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 70453.17
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USDT 1.00
SBD 3.51