I caught my first ever fish! | Musselburgh, Scotland

in GEMS4 years ago


Well then to my surprise I have managed to do it! The other day I made a post here saying that previously I had not been successful with my fishing so far and that I may go out and try again...

Well I seen the perfect opportunity, I saw some people fishing while I was on a cycle with my friend so I decided to go over to them and ask how it was going (Keeping a 2 metre distance of course). They told me they had not caught anything just yet however they pointed out that all the sand eels etc were out and you could actually see them.

It was perfect conditions, it was not windy, the water was clear and the other fish the Mackerel eat is everywhere! I hurried home and grabbed my fishing rod and got my other friend to do the same and thank god we did!

After weeks of nothing I done it! Not just one but FIVE all in 1 hour! I decided to keep the biggest one to eat and I let the rest go back. My buddy caught 2 as well in that time.


IMG_1943.JPG The big one is mine!



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