A Short Walk with A Lot To See!

in GEMS4 years ago

Geez! Where do I begin! I took a short walk around my house but there was so much to see this morning that I just had to put a lot of it into collages. We also had a severe thunderstorm early this morning but I was out right after it ended and by the time I had walked around my house a few times the clouds were giving way to the sun.

I thought I would start out with a couple of photos of some Hostas coming up in my front garden. I got a lot of work done on my gardens but I'm still not done yet. I'll show more photos on them once I'm finished though.



Walking down this side of the house I saw that the Bleeding Hearts were making a nice showing. It was a little windy this morning so please excuse some slight blurring.


Caught this little sparrow singing from the rooftop!


Ooops! Looks like he caught me too and looks kinda' irritated with me and my camera.


Moving to the back of the yard, I spied a cat that I haven't seen before in a neighbors yard two doors up. No offense but he or she can just stay there as I have enough mouths to feed here..lol.


Speaking of which ... I caught Sad Cat and Baby on the old sailboat in the far back yard. They were watching Sylvester climbing on a tree. Sad Cat has joined Sylvester and Baby with following me around the yard.


Just look at all of these Purple Dead-nettle plants and this wasn't even all of them!


Just a few days ago these dandelions were young and yellow. They sure don't waste any time re-populating.


While I was in the back yard, I decided to check on this little bunny named Cisco. My daughter said that he seemed like he wasn't feeling good so I stopped to give him some pets which he loves. He did seem a bit "off" to me as well so I hope he will be okay!


The Iris plant with raindrops on the opposite side of the house. Too soon for the flower but the raindrops on the leaves was pretty.


Hey! Look what I spotted up in a tree! A robin and a sparrow!



These next two collages show raindrops on rose vines and another little bush in the yard but they had little blossom petals on them also from a cherry tree which had raindrops on them too. I really like how the photos came out.



Ahh! The sun breaking through the clouds!


My last two photos sort of. The first is a collage of the same tulip with raindrops on it and my last photo is of some Ice Plants in my front garden. I figured that since I started my post with some green plants that I would end it with some green plants as well. 😁






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