57 kg during 30 years... or how to keep a girl figure when you're over 50

in GEMS4 years ago


On the eve of the new bathing season, all the girls are thinking about losing weight. You need to bring your figure to the most perfect condition to look spectacular in a swimsuit and a short white dress by the sea! And here the girls exhaust themselves with all sorts of fashionable diets and excessive exercise, trying to get rid of fat and tighten muscles. Sometimes there are "virtuosos" who even manage to bring themselves to anorexia.
They arrange various unloading periods when they eat only fruit, drink only herbal teas ... etc., But then, when they return to their normal way of life, they gain the lost kg faster and more than before.


Why did I decide to write this article? Because I am over 50, and my weight for more than 30 years practically does not change, fluctuating between 55 and 58 kg, at a height of 164 cm. And this is not because I decided to brag :) But because I would like to share my experience, which maybe someone will find it useful.
My acquaintances and friends often say: your figure is your good genetics, you have a good metabolism ... And I'm completely different, I'm fat after a single week's vacation and no matter how hard I try to lose weight, it's all in vain.
So, thinking about how to convey the necessary information to girls briefly and clearly, I highlight three main points on how to maintain a good figure throughout life. But when I say: girl figure, I do not mean the standards: 60 - 90 - 60, but I mean your individual parameters, which are given to you by nature during your best physical condition, in which you are full of strength and energy. Usually this is when a girl is 15 - 20 years old, and later from the wrong diet and lifestyle the body begins to overgrow with unnecessary deposits :)



First: love yourself as you are! Your nose, legs, chest shape, thighs, arms and hair, your height ... You are beautiful! Don't compare yourself with girlfriends and super models.
Second: trust your body. Learn to listen to his voice, understand his needs. Today he needs to sleep more and eat fatty foods, and tomorrow he will ask for apples and cabbage. Imagine the complex biochemical processes that take place there every day. Do not stress him and soon you will notice wonderful changes in your tastes. If you sometimes allow yourself to eat something conditionally useless, but with pleasure, then your body will no longer want it. And if you forbid, you will want to continue) If you want to eat at 21, then you need to eat, so as not to eat later. I have one rule, but it's really what I like the most: 3/4 of my daily diet is raw and stewed vegetables and fruits.
Third: sports should be in small doses every day. It is a mistake to think that it is better to go to the gym for 2 hours than to work out at home for 20 minutes. Personally, I start my day with 2 glasses of warm water and 20 - 30 minutes of charging in the fresh air. Later, 2-3 more walks and exercises are always present in my life during the day. No matter what exercises, the body will tell you. Sometimes you want to dance, and sometimes you want to ride a bike. And again, if at thirty I went to shaping, now my favorite sport is yoga and swimming in the summer, and in open water :) Be sure to always have clean drinking water, because you need to drink when your cells ask to drink!



So, I have never been on any diet and my body is not stressed and does not gain extra pounds, just in case - if I decide to starve him again :) But you have to take care to give him a lot of healthy food: mostly raw and fresh, as well as clean water. Also fill your body with joy and enjoyment of life. Trust him, listen to his voice carefully. Do not upset him with negative emotions. It is very wise, and knows how to be beautiful always :) Good health to you!

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