When Nature plays a role as an Architect...

in GEMS4 years ago

When I was in my country, I barely could have seen the sunlight from my home. From my window, I used to see a small piece of the sky that used to be hidden behind the large skyscrapers entirely. Strange city life but I don't complain. Dhaka city is an overpopulated city and it's hard to afford a home there. Most of the apartments are highrise and if you get the chance to live on the top floor then you are lucky... You will be able to see the sky and feel the sunlight as well... but of course, orientation matters.

Kharkiv city is the opposite, it's not an overpopulated city and not a dense city of Ukraine at all. So, I can enjoy the sun, the sky, and fresh air as well. Another benefit is I live a little bit far away from the city center so I don't need to face a huge crowd.


It's really interesting to experience the diversity of each city. I won't say I have been into many countries and cities, but I have visited a few... For example: If I talk about Singapore, It's a fine city, a well oriented-beautiful city. Many people like to live in a modern city with a lot of utilities. The biggest advantage of living in a big city is the amenities and the facilities and as a human, we want that. As I have mentioned that Singapore is a beautiful city but somehow I find it artificial and man-made. Of course, every city is man-made but from an architectural point of view, I personally feel Singapore is a city of glamour and structures. I have never been to Dubai but Dubai is also like that, more modern, faster...

But let me tell you one simple thing, If a city consists of structures made of steel concrete, it produces more heat, emits more heat. Which means more modern, the more hotter environment...


Whenever I go to any city, I started looking around and my third architectural eye opens. It's natural, I start seeing every from the architect's point of view. I know excess nothing is good and sometimes I become overwhelmed when it comes to judging a city. It's simple, I won't say I have worked on so many projects but I have given my 8 years doing several projects. One thing I have realized, no matter how much modern an individual can be, no matter how much they seek for modern facilities but in the end, they just crave for seeing greens, vegetation, or plants. It's nature and I have seen many client's philosophies and how much they seek for a waterbody with greens to feel the waterfall and nature.

Just like some of us love to decorate our home with fresh flowers...

That's why maybe many philosophers said " Back to Nature " or "Into the Woods"...

Because in the end, we have to go back to nature...


Recently I am more focused on learning Scandinavian interior, basically, I am doing some research and study to understand the environment considering the climate. This European climate is new to me and for that, I need to understand the culture, environment, and I need to do some study as well. Some books, the internet, projects, and magazines are helping me to achieve that...

Believe it or not, but nature is an architect. When I started digging and reading the history of Architecture, I have learned so many things from history, and most of the design was inspired by nature. To be honest, an architect creates his concept from nature. In fact, the famous architect Zaha Hadid was inspired by a black snail for her project...

Can you believe that??

Projects can be inspired by nature or build by nature, it doesn't matter how it is building. Nature is holding enormous lines, geometry, forms, shapes, and rhythms.

Nature creates and nature can destroy and rebuild as well, depends but we, humans are destroying the architecture every day which is created by nature.

You just need an eye to look at them...




Explore Life with Priyan...



"I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily..."


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Original post written by @priyanarc...



Wonderful article. It's true that humans are destroying the architecture every day which is created by nature.Sometimes we shameful as humans.

Well, one thing we can do is we should try to save our mother nature and environment for our own cause...

Hmm , your post is amazing , i rally love it , nature is oue pride . We should love is , not to destroy it , nature geves us every thing , and what we gave nothing , love the nature

Exactly, thank you for stopping by...

Informational post👍

Thank you... :)

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Nature in not only the best architect but also the greatest teacher. However she speaks silently and is open to anyone ready to listen.

Oh ya I forgot to mention that, maybe in my next post... Thanks for reminding me.. :)

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