Running, Jumping, Climbing and Rolling

in GEMS5 years ago

That kid is always jumping and running. Well, that kid can do parkour. Parents often say don't jump or run like that, you will get hurt. If you think that your kids really love to do that, they can do that and learn parkour.

I'm a fan, not an expert in parkour. If you have no idea about parkour, watch this video.


To be a professional and do parkour like this, you have to learn from experts or institutions where they teach parkour. Please do not just get excited to try to do what you watch in this video.

They are professional and have been training for a long time. If you are interested in parkour, you can start your training. Every attempt they make are not successful, in this video, you only see those that are successful and land on the right spot. Yes, sometimes they fall down, get hurt, but they do not stop.

If you like parkour, please let me know in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading this and watching the video. I hope you like this.

That's it for now. See you around!