"Is falling in love with AI considered love?"
Recently, there's an Increase in artificial intelligence being integrated into our daily lives. This now poses a big question to us " Can humans truly fall in love with Ai? This as it sounds tries to challenge our understanding about what love is which now tries to force us to reassess the boundaries between humans, machines and emotions.
Now for us to understand what's at stake, let's take a look at what love is all about,love encompasses a range of emotions, behaviors and cognitive processes which create a deep connection between two humans which involves, care, affection, attachment, intimacy. But when we apply these same concepts to the human Ai relationship,the lines seems to be blurred.
Why it's so is because,the don't possess that capacity to experience emotions, desires,or attachment the same way that humans do. This is because Ai responses are generated through complex algorithm as well as data processing instead of emotional intuition unlike humans.
Though some experts argue that love is not exclusive to humans. One of the experts in the person of "Dr Helen Fisher who is a renowned anthropologist suggest that love is a universal human drive that can be triggered by various stimuli including Ai she said that love is a fundamental human experience and since we can fall in love with a pet,why can't we fall in love with a machine? In her words.
To me, human Ai relationships is a no no. This is because while humans can experience very strong emotions and attachment towards Ai, now the Ai system itself does not possess consciousness or emotions. Which is to say that it cannot truly reciprocate human love or emotions same way humans do.
Thanks for reading.
Well thought-out and presented. Sorting out what we call love from a quagmire of attachments and desires. Serious business...
