It's Summertime............. NW Cascade Wanderings

……..or so one might think! We went from cold, damp and chilly, to warm-or maybe downright hot, with humidity in the mix! We had essentially a 40 degree temperature swing from last night to today! Lately, that’s how the seasons are here. No gradually sliding into it! We just jump from the frying pan into the fire! I personally prefer easing into it. 😏

So now I have to say it’s possible it’s time switch the hot coffee date drinks to the cold and frosty ones! This Sunday is Mother’s Day. I’ve already requested a date with @silvertop for coffees and a trip to My Nursery, a local nursery that offers many, many plants as well as lots of garden related items and also some non-garden boutique like items. I’m sure I’ll find something there! ☺️

Today wasn’t as busy at work. There’s a blessing in that, as it afforded me the opportunity to give Donna some training. We did a ‘simple’ Medicaid order. This was an exam, refraction and dispensing fee. There are many types of Medicaid type situations and many different plans. This particular one was all straight Medicaid. To give an idea of the steps involved, you enter all demographic information, insurance information and insurance authorizations into the system. Then, you build the order for all that. After you get through all of the steps involved, and there’s a few, lol, you have to go to our state’s Medicaid website. There you enter a line for each procedure done, including CTP codes and diagnostic codes, plus dollar amounts, etc. submit and THEN, you fax the glasses order to their lab. 😅

That’s just straight Medicaid. Throw different things into the mix, and it can become more laborious! 🙄

The hard part for me is that I can do all the necessary steps in about 10 minutes or less. Someone who doesn’t have CTP codes or diagnostic code and pricing memorized, well that same process is about 45 minutes! You gotta learn somehow, so I’m doing my best to not grab the keyboard and finish, lol! She is doing awesome and it will get easier with repetition, but there are so many nuances to this process. That’s not even counting building an order for glasses with or without insurance.

Now, add multiple interruptions with patients, phone calls and various other things! You can walk away moderately insane! 🤪

Good thing I do generally like my job! 😎

It will take some time for her to get it all down. At least she can help reduce the stress a bit for sure! 👍

Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Yippee! 🤠 The end of the day will be much appreciated! That’s gonna be it for now. Take care! 🙏🇮🇱🇺🇦


Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH


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