"Is there prejudice against female drivers in your country? "

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

I am very happy to take part in this contest which is all about sharing personal experience about my country female drivers.


It is very unfortunate to say that there is prejudice which is not in favour of female drivers so that's why there are different challenges that women have to face when it comes about driving of women normally.

If I talk about one of the example then it is stereotypes like people who mostly believe on gender discrimination things that women are not capable of driving and women cannot be equally able to drive like a man.

Another most important thing to note is that some people believe that women should not derived because women are more prone to harassments as someone can easily hack them and attack on a woman.

Due to society and family pressure women are discouraged and criticized in the name of driving because in Pakistan people living in society thinks that driving should only be done by man.

There are many areas in my country Pakistan that don't have sufficient parking areas and their also bad infrastructure of roads that make driving and safe for women.

There is also social stigma about women based on gender discrimination that women who wants to drive wants to be more independent than actual need so this is also a wrong concept according to me.

I wants to invite @wakeupkitty,@lirvic,@wilmer1988 to participate.



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

It sounds as if the average man is afraid he's no longer needed if a woman can drive. It sounds to me it is a plus if both can. Imagine you are seriius ill or your child is and there's no man around to drive you to hospital. Perhaps the solution is women stop caring about men. Let them deal with everything themselves. No pamoering, cooking, doing the laundry.

To be honest I would never want a man not able to do the house chores or being lazy. As a man I would go for a skilled wife and an intelligent as well.
This way you do not have to worry if getting sick or if you die because you know your partner can manage.

Bad roads are here too and I drive my daughters do and we are way better drivers than the average man. We can repair our cars as well as long as we don't need to lift too heavy. I tell the car service what to repair because if not they make something up keep the car for weeks and make me easiky pay 1000-2000 euros.

Women overhere are seen as the idiots and are the first to be scammed.
Once I told a worker how to solve the probkem his answer after a pause was: Do you know what it is with you? You are a woman and women can't think.

Well, I sacked him and others trying to steal from me like those working on the roof. If I am the one paying them very well and even serve three meals and drinks they better respect me.

The result is I do it myself and climb on the roifs, laint and repair the walls. Same for the garden. The gardener set everything at fire and as I returned after a holiday the weeds were as high as the roif of the house. I asked him to come over and explain and all he did was laughing.
Since that moment I do it myself. One day I might need someone to cut some trees but not today and I am not going to pay lazy insulting man. For sure they already know they can not easily fool me. A farmer tried by stealing my land and the hunters trespassed but no longer appear. They played dumb as I said I would report them shooting around out of the season but also nearby homes is forbidden.

We at times joke if we can find the way. I tell my children: just turn here if too late or forbidden, look stupid, play the dumb blond smile,say thank you and wave. If this is how men see women why not use it in my benefit.

A car insurance for women is cheaper than for men so insurance comlanies know who the dangerous and careless drivers are, the monsters on the road.

I can tell you I never felt safe as a man drove my son is the first one after two years of habing his license. Experience comes after years and the way we drive is completely different from Germany, Austria or other countries.

I will join this contest, thanks for asking. This community is a relaxed one.

Bkessed be

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