Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 3 / Come and I'll show you how to do it! + How to Dance Gwara Gwara and Happy legs, by @ebuahsang1.


Hello steemians of the Stars if Steem community. What an amazing opportunity we do have here to share with you and glad to be doing my post in this community. Today I join the rest of the Steemit world to talk about a talent we have. Hope you get to learn how to do it.

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Today I will be talking about dancing tutorials. I am a big fan of dancing, I love it to my finger tips and I like dancing each time I hear music even while walking on the streets. I usually go clubbing just so I can dance. And so u decided to do a tutorial on some two African dance. There are complicated ways of dancing the styles I am going to be showing you here but I will like to go with the basics so we all can learn


This Gwara Gwara dance is an Africa dance that originated from South Africa. It is a dance that showcase the local gulf game of south Africa. I first heard about this game/sports in a South African film called Mr Bones. The dance became very popular in the year 2016 to 2019 as it was dance all over the African planet. It is a beautiful dance and I love it so much.

Below are the basic steps to dancing the kwara kwara dance


  • Step one. The first step of the dance is to bend down a little. Don't go down too low. This posture is very important because it keeps you in a stage of hitting the gulf ball.


  • Step two. The next step open your hands like you want to fly but make sure the left hand is slanting and below the right hand which is straight. The most active hand during the dance is the right hand.

  • Step three. Step 3 is now the dance proper. Remember the two steps above was to get the right posture of the dance. The kwara kwara dance involved moving your Right leg and hands in and out at the same time. That is when your right hand is coming down towards your body you take your leg inside and when you are taking your right and up you pull your leg out. The left leg and hands are technically in a constant position for the basic style.
    The below pictures shows in detail.



As you can see from the image above it is a pretty simple dance. A short video has been attached to show how the dance look like.


Another amazing African dance that I am going to be sharing with you is the happy legs. I don't really know where the dance originate from but I mostly see it in Nigerians musics which makes me to come the Conclusion that it is a Nigerian dance. Please correct me if u am wrong.
The basics of this dance is very simple.


  • Step one. This dance is being doing up. As the name goes it is a dance that mostly involves the legs. It's a back and forth movement of the legs. So to dance the the happy leg basic, start with your right leg, send it from with you right hand raise to you chase level.


  • Step two. As I earlier mentioned, it's a simple dance and involve back and forth movement of the body. So the next step is to move your left leg Infront while simultaneously taking your right leg behind. You are to move the left side of your body in the same manner as the right side.

In basics, it is important to just do a continuous back and forth of your body while adding different variations to it

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This was a beautiful contest today and I choose to do the African dance because it is a beautiful dance. It's been a while I danced the kwara kwara and because of this contest I had to do it. It was a great time participating, thanks to the moderators for this unique opportunity

I invite @dholy1 @chiabertrand and @majeruis to participate in this contest and you people should also dance ehh😅😅


Woow man for Gwara Gwara. Ayamore with your dance man.. I love the soundtrack please can you send me the title of the track,?

Great lesson sir @ebuahsang1, Africa got alot of talents and dancing turns out to be one of the big African talent. One important thing with African dances is that, they vary from country to another though they can be displayed everywhere. Some countries however have more that one dance steps like south Africa with Gwara gwara and malwedhe. African countries with dance steps include

Shaku shaku dance from Nigeria,
Odi dance from kenya,
Rosalina dance from Republic of congo,
Pilolo dance from Ghana,
Vosho dance from south Africa,
Kwangwaru dance from Tanzania
Kpakujemu from Nigeria,
Kupe dance from Ghana.

 2 years ago 

Excellent tutorial to dance to the rhythm of Gwara Gwara and Happy Legs; two typical African dances.

It can be seen that you like dancing and that you enjoy this activity a lot.


Hahaha, this is so amazing bro, you do it perfectly well, the gwara gwara dance also needs a little fitness on the laps to be able to dance it for long with different styles, the happy leg, oh my, I am skilled at that, thanks for bringing fun to the contest. Wowooo

I really enjoyed reading your post. And I really like your different styles. You are right that our body needs to exercise in different ways to stay fit. Thank you very much for participating in this contest.

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