Photography contest CAPTURING FEELINGS, EMOTIONS AND MOMENTS 2.0 - Week #7

And once again we are here celebrating the day of love and friendship, Today February 14 I am very excited to present the 7th edition of our photography contest "CAPTURING FEELINGS, EMOTIONS AND MOMENTS 2.0" and we want to see for this contest how It was this day for you, so today you can celebrate this day and during the week you will have the opportunity to share the photos and the story of your Valentine's Day.



And before continuing we want to thank the support of the #booming healing program and the accounts @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 during all these days, that is why we continue to motivate you to create quality content, it makes me very happy to see every time your participation to the contest has a nice reward and you are sure to be excited too. That is why we continue to motivate them to create quality content and boost your commitment to building community.

We want to make the Steem platform the place for content creators, where you can develop as a writer, pastry chef, musician, influencer, Valentine's Day is present in this contest and we want to change the rule of the photos that you can use for it this week's theme which will be:


"Valentine's Day"


They went out to eat


Share with friends


You had a special moment with your partner

We are in the month of love and friendship and I want you to share with everyone how this day will be, share with your friends, you took your girlfriend for a walk, you gave a necklace to your wife or you took her out to a romantic dinner night, you went out to a park with your friends or met to exchange gifts. Show us through the photos and telling the story of what you did and this time there are no photo limits. You can use as many photos as you want to show the moment of Love and Friendship lived.

You must follow these rules for your participation to be valid to qualify for the prizes.

  • You can use the photographs you want but they must be of the same moment of celebration or the same day and be allusive when sharing Valentine's Day and you must write a review of the photographic moment with a minimum of 300 words.
  • the post must be created in the STARS OF STEEM community

  • You must place the tags #feeling, #steemexclusive and a tag corresponding to your country, example: #italia

  • The photograph must be of your own creation, either with a phone or with a camera. But the better the quality, the more chances you have to win.

  • At Stars of Steem we are committed to the growth of the platform, so we will take into account your votes towards other participants in the contest thanks to the tool created by @steemchiller.

  • You must mention and place the link of this contest in your publication so that more people join.

  • Only one entry per person will be valid for the contest.

  • You have until Saturday February 20 to participate!

  • IMPORTANT: your publication must be original and exclusive for Steemit, it must not have been published on another platform and plagiarism will not be tolerated.

For this week there will be better prizes for being the day of love and friendship


1 Place. 10 steem
2 Place. 7 steem
3 Place. 5 steem
4 Place. 3 steem
5 Place. 2 steem
6 Place. 1 steem


Thanks to Steemit, Inc. first and foremost and all those behind @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 and the @booming program for supporting the entries.


Until a Next Post




Queda hasta mañana para participar! 👍🏻

Buen día @sampraise, que sigas promoviendo concursos, es una gran estratégia para seguir motivando a los participantes a crear como dices contenido de calidad, y tener la oportunidad de ser recompensados, esta fecha es muy linda porque se celebran dos valores importantes como el amor y la amistad, imagino la gran cantidad de participantes mostrando sus vivencias en este día tan especial. Te deseo éxitos en tu concurso.

Hola @sampraise, espero participar en tu propuesta. Dios te bendiga!!

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