Aloha from Philippines miloves!

“A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart.”

I have been a paw lover since the day I learn to understand things in world. I am proud that I am a fur mom of 17 dogs (I didn't buy them all, all we're given and most of them adopted) and 3 cats (stray and soon adopted). Most of my friends are aware about it, maybe they call it my addiction but for me it is passion! Allow me to show case some of my fur babies photos, I would love to share all of it but only 3 photos maximum is allowed, and how they bluntly show their feelings towards us - their fur parents.



This is GG, my BFG - Big Friendly GG. I named him GG means "Gihatag ni Gilbert" (Given by Gilbert in English) the 2 G are where his name came from. We where passing in the street when I and my ex - boyfriend which is now my husband @gilbertthegreat happen to pass by a puppy vendor. It was not our intention to buy him because we support "adopt don't shop." And because I can't resists the puppy's cuteness, we stopped, asked the vendor if how old were the puppies and me trying to pet GG that time. To cut the story short, because it was not our intention to buy GG when we were about to go. The moment we stood up, GG immediately scratched my husband's arm and that day he decided to buy GG as a gift to me in our upcoming 2nd anniversary in relationship. We don't know exactly when GG was born because the vendor was uncertain about pups birthdate. He was with us from January 02, 2011 and from that on my life with GG was pretty amazing that even he left us last August 20, 2018 because of kidney failure, according to our vet's diagnosis, remembering him made me into tears just like I was writing this blog. :-(

GG was so very playful. He always wait for me in front of our gate arriving from school and then later from work. He plays with the kids in our neighborhood every time we go out in the house for his daily walk time. He sits beside me every time I cry when I no longer carry the heavy challenges in life and licks my tears when it started to fall. He ran towards me when I suddenly screams. He loved to go to the parks and ran freely in the grass ground. I talked to him like a real baby, I don't know if he knows what I'm saying but I'm sure he understand. One time, there was a leaked in our faucet inside the apartment where we are renting, in the middle of the dawn, to the point it already overflowed in my bed that it almost got into the electric plug whole. Because I was a heavy sleeper and couldn't wake up easily what GG did, he sit in my face which awaked me because I can no longer breathed. He saved me from that almost accident. I miss him a lot even up until this very moment and I can't tell when will I be fully recovered from losing him.



Ching-ching is her name. I named her Ching - ching from "Tabachingching" (another term for chubby) because she was so chubby when she was less than a month old. She's unica ija of her mother. Later as she grow, I call her "Chingu" which means friend in Korean term because she is no longer chubby and I'm a fan of K-dramas. She was the pup of the dog which I adopted. Chingu was adopted before but later was returned to us because she got sick and the foster fur parents feared that she might die because they didn't know how to take care a sick dog. So my husband and I decided to accept her again. She is more than a year old now. What I loved about her is that every time I play with her and tell these words "Chingu! Show me your teeth! (pointing finger at her face)" she immediately do this annoying face of her which I find it funny and I can't help but laugh. :-)

Both GG and Chingu are AsPins - Asong Pinoy (native dogs from the Philippines).

And lastly my third photo,



This is Sophia a mixed breed of Shih Tzu and Spitz. At first her name was Sophie, my mother call her "Sophia" that's why later it became her name. Sophia was my cousin's pet in my mother's side. She was given to me by my cousin because she was almost dying from separation anxiety from her first owner which is also my other cousin. She never ate anything for two weeks, that her pelvis bones was already noticeable when you touch her butt area. I was so amazed by her, the first time she was brought by my cousin in our place. She wagged her tail and walked towards me, that time GG was still alive and I only have GG as my fur baby. GG welcomed Sophia and they became best of fur friends. Sophia is with us since January 13, 2013 up until present. She was born October 2012. She's a house rat slayer. She loves to go with us for a walk outside the house. Behaves in the car and sits in my lap, when she's with us for a ride. When she hears "milk", she gets excited and loves to sleep with us. Right now, Sophia is the oldest among my fur babies and an alpha to the pack that even my medium sized dogs are afraid to her.

That's all for today! I hope you enjoy reading and knowing some of my fur babies. See you in my next blogs!

Grateful for your kindness and support @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator05, @steemcurator06, @cryptokannon, @steemitblog, and @booming.

Always keep safe and stay healthy!

Love lots,

@traderpaw 😘

#feelings #steemexclusive #starofsteem #philippines


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