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RE: {TOPIC} Guest Accounts

in Steem APPS5 years ago

If anyone is interested we

  1. Have people do a social login with one of the three Google, FB or GitHub
  2. They get assigned a long guest account name {adjective.animal.number}
  3. The username is purposefully over 16 characters so it can never conflict with steem
  4. These are the things the guest account can or can't do.


Not really sure it has much implications for other Apps... mostly the Comments have impact and that's a different conversation.

I know it'd be nice to have guest accounts shared between apps... BUT... I think our goal is to move them quickly to a steem account unless all they really want to do is make a comment on a creators post then a guest account is probably just fine.

In any case I think there are a few of us that have created guest accounts @travelfeed @3speak and i'm guessing a few others.

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