What is your story? Episode 1

in Steem Schools2 years ago


This life is mysterious and unpredictable as no one has ever been able to perfectly predict the outcome of their lives. The worst thing a person can ever do to his or herself is to go about life as though they have the manuscript or blueprint in their hands. Tomorrow is indeed pregnant as no one knows what can happen the next minute so it's advisable we tread with caution and be humble.

Well, it's too sad that there was someone who felt the whole world revolved around her and that the outcome of her life was in the palm of her hands; that lady was no other than ''Chelsea'.

Up in the hills of a very choice city lived an extremely beautiful lady who had men at her beck and call. Chelsea was beautiful to a fault and had one of the nicest skin you could ever imagine.

Men begged to be in her life and due to the constant wooing every now and then, she never lacked anything and most often carried herself like a Princess that was next to none.

It's been over 10 years since her biological mother passed on and her dad remarried another woman but she never went along with the woman. Chelsea despised her step mum for taking her mother's place in her dad's life.

Unfortunately, Chelsea had no biological sibling from her mum but had two step siblings.

Due to the fact that they were not her mum's children but rather her step siblings, she never had any close relationship with any of them while they were growing up.

Despite Chelsea's dad's effort to talk her out of her pompous and bad attitude, it all fell on deaf ears.

One fateful day while Chelsea was at work, a huge handsome man came in to do a transaction of which she was the one that attended to him.

"How can I help you sir" she said, "I'm here to make a deposit" the man replied and dropped bundles of cash on top of the counter.

On seeing the money, Chelsea was smitten but pretended as though she wasn't moved. When she was done counting the money with the machine, she did the necessary procedures and was done with the transaction.

After the transaction finished, the gentleman proceeded to strike a little conversation with Chelsea so as to get her number because her beauty was just too much for him to ignore. "I know this is random but can I get your number and maybe we can talk later?" he inquired and she said "Sure" and gladly gave her number to him. "By the way, my name is Robert" he said and Chelsea disclosed her name to him too before they parted ways.

To be honest, Chelsea wasn't too impressed because she had seen money and lived life to the fullest with the previous rich guys she had dated. The only reason why she was a bit excited about Robert was the fact that he was a new catch and was going to join the line of men she milked money from.

Just as Chelsea had predicted, Robert joined the line of men in her wooing list but the only difference with him was that he wasn't desperate like the other guys and that was what made him different and drew her attention more to him. Robert wasn't her slave and was in total control of his emotions and actions. She liked him more than the rest and was willing to make him 'The One'.

As time went by, the curse Chelsea's dad placed on her began having effect as all the men that wooed her started drawing back due to one thing or the other. Majority became fed up with her nasty attitude while others started seeing that there was nothing too special about her asides her beautiful face. On seeing that she wasn't in ‘vogue’ anymore and had certainly lost that spark that made her the centre of attention anywhere she went to, she finally decided to hold on to Robert so she doesn't lose everything.

Their relationship wasn't too admirable because Chelsea's bad attitude always came in the way. Robert was running out of patience and wanted to dump her but it was too late because Chelsea was too desperate to let go of the man that was going to give her the dream wedding and life she wanted.

Due to Chelsea's desperation, she did something to trick and trap Robert to marry her. She deliberately used needle to puncture all the protections Robert used whenever they made Love. That act was done so that her mischievous plans could come to pass.
One fateful day, Robert planned to end things with Chelsea once and for all. He called her on the phone to inform her that he wasn't sure he wanted to go ahead with the relationship anymore, but before he could land with what he was saying, she dropped a shocker.

"I am pregnant!" Chelsea said out of nowhere and Robert almost bite his tongue.

Shocked and dumbfounded, he screamed "How?"

To be continued…

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