RE: Steem is a Bridge Between The Old and The New World...
You wrote this beautifully, and it is true. Although many people still do not understand cryptocurrencies and are skeptical about it. They do not understand the power of blockchain. That is why we are here to help open the eyes of those people who do not understand the whole work of cryptocurrencies. We will invite them, explain in steem schools or in some other school and continue working on ourselves and steemite. By working together, we will climb to the top and thus strengthen the steem. thanks
all the best
Lepo ste Vi ovo napisali, i to je istina. Iako mnogi ljudi još uvek ne razume kriptovalute i skeptični su prema tome. Ne shvataju moć blokchaina. Zbog toga smo mi tu koji cemo pomoci da otvorimo oči tim ljudima koji ne shvataju celokupan rad kriptovaluta. Pozvaćemo ih, objasniti u steem schools ili u nekoj drugoj školi i nastaviti da radimo na sebi i steemitu. Zajedničkim radom cemo se penjati prema vrhu i tako ojačati steem. hvala
sve najbolje
Keep going, see you at the top