Healthy Food, Healthy Life,...(46)

in Steem Schools6 months ago (edited)

Love makes Life Good,

Love makes Life Cool,
We need to keep Going,
And be always fresh and find new Success Tool.

Life gives Life,

One, two, million or Five,
It gives Strength,
Motivates Great,
Surprize to see, I can't Wait.

Creative to Be,

Best things to See,
With or without Fresh Tea,
We need to find the real Key.

We need to Fight,

For Our Rights,
To be Cheered A Lot,
Have always Great Thoughts,
Be happy, Be Cool,
Refresh in Happiness Swimming Pool.

Happiness we Need,

That is what is main Seed,
We have good Deed,
And we strive to have an Excellent Lead.

Great Idea,

Cool Goal,
Wonderfull Ideas,
No penalty, neither Tall,
To go and Get,
The real Thing,
To reach the Heights,
And fight for our own Rights.

Hey Jude try Your Best,

Take the Rest,
Do Your Test,
Make the Fest.

Happiness, that's what we Need,

Joy this is from what our Soul, we Feed,
And it needs from all obstacles to be Freed.

We need to be Positive Now,

Ask me How,
We need to have Great Mood,
And be the best in All Neighbourhood.

Energy Yes,

It must not be Mess,
We should get More,
And rich to the Core.

The Light Shines,

Smile Lights our Lives,
We fight for Better,
We need no Trend Setters,
Glory Comes,
True vallues Run.

Let's Try,

Do the right thing and Shy,
Don't ask me where or Why,
The limit is the Sky.

The herbs are given by God,

To help the Nature,
Blossom and Cure,
To be healthy to be Sure.

Turmeric at His Best,

The other facts are history & Rest.

Great Thoughts,

Happines A Lot,
Excellent Health,
Heart Melts,
Life Smiles,
There are no Cries.

Yes, we are Happy,

Yes, we are Full of Joy,
That is our new Toy.

One day, I woke Up,

And I found my own Map,
To stay Happy to be Free,
All the things clearly to See,
To change and to Improve,
To be happy and Disapprove,
Bad people, Bad habbits As Well,
And only goodness "To Sell".

Love is All we Need,

With this Soul is Fed,
This is how it is Said,
To stay Calm and nice and don't get Mad.

Let's Celebrate Life,

Let's Have Fun,
Let's do it and Make things Done.

We need to be Healthy,

We need to be Wealthy,
To Win and do the Thing,
Succeed and after Sing.

Great Things Big Wings,

Smile and living far from Dog & Cat's Life,
For other type of Happiness, I Strive,
I need to be Free,
I need to See,
The other part of Joy,
And find new Goal & Toy.

I am overwhelmed by the Win,

There must be no Sin,
There should be energy A Lot,
And take a great Spot,
For future Balance Great,
And have enormous Faith.

Let's Go,

Not Throw,
The great Wish, Big Strength,
Take a chance and not Mend,
Big truth, Great Joy,
Take and go wonderful Toy.

Say Hello to Love,

Welcome new Dove,
Welcome great Joy,
Accept new Toy,
For great Happiness,
And cool Smile,
With no Great Tile.

Take Bliss,

Wonderful Kiss,
Beautiful Smile,
With no Cry,
And no Lie.


Secret in Bottle,

Joy in Ride,
Let's go, Don't get Tide.





Honest, I need to Be,

Than, I will be Free,
I need to See,
What is what and how it should be Me.


I need to decide Right,

Not to have Fight,
To have true Right on my Side,
Go on successfull Ride,
And get enough Wild.






Life has it's own Colour,

It has great Valour,
It pushes us on one Side,
It takes us on Strange Ride,
To stsy Free,
Like beautiful and big Tree.





Hello, Dear Friends,

My Wish is Immense,
My Luck is Dear,
I trully want to Hear,
All the Thoughts and True Things,
To fly on nice Wings.


Happiness is my Goal,

To me and to my Soul,
To bring true Joy,
I need great Toy.


Let's Smile,

And Fly,
Be Happy and not Shy,
Grow Smurt,
Take a Part,
In nice Game,
With no Fame.


To be Unique,

Means to be Chic,
Happy and Shy,
With no Cry,
Happy to Try,
And not Lie.


Great Gear,

No Fear,
It is very Dear,
I need to Hear.



Freedom, I decided to be Free,

Calm like Tree,
Happy like Bee,
To be me like Me.


I decide, whom I will Be,

I have a right to decide whom I will See,
I decide what I will Take,
And which and whom I will Wake.


Freeedom Prosecution,

Life Revolution,
Breathing Evolution,
Health Stabilization,
Peace Integration.


Sensation, in the Day,

Relax in the Night,
Day and Night,
For real and True Life Fight.

New Chance,

For Health Romance,
It is a new Stance,
For great Dance,
And cool Health,
So the Heart will be Melt.

Promotion brings Emotion,

It is wonderful Portion,
Of true experience & true Love,
It is not Tough,
Let's bring Promotion,
Let's bring Joy,
And find new Glorious Toy.

Let's Change Our Thoughts,

And we can change our Lives.

The Secret is in Combination,

It gives new Revelation,
For the things to be Done,
That will bring new Sun,
In our new Life,
And new happiness to Dive.


Let's get Surprise,

Touch the Ties,
Become Wise,
And Realize,
What's Life,
What's Health,
How to feel Great,
I can't Wait.


Republic of Sales,

It is not in Wales,
It is not in Everywhere,
It is just Here & There & Anywhere.

We strive for Healthy Lifestyle,

For better Life,
Long for better Health,
More air and that is Fair.

Let's Start from the Beginning,

To protect Ourselves,
To protect Our Health,
To be Fit and Fine,
And have a great Time.


Let's Start from the Beginning,

To protect Ourselves,
To protect Our Health,
To be Fit and Fine,
And have a great Time.



Let's be Healthy,

Let's be Great,
To gain new Results,
I hardly Wait.

Let's Steem On, Let's Steem Together,...

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