Contest : The Importance of Reading a Newspaper.

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast month (edited)


I welcome every Steemian in the community to this contest. It is a contest presented to us to once again, look into the value that can be gotten from reading newspapers.

The emergence of the internet has contributed so much in making access to information much easier. Nowadays, we can so much easily obtain and read any sort of information we need right at our fingertips, from the Internet. This has created a noticeable contraction in the demand for newspapers from the print media.

One of the consequences of this is that some jobs have been lost and the profitability of the newspaper printing business, has drastically reduced.

The majority of people now obtain and read the information that they need, directly from the Internet. They no longer need to be visiting or buying their newspaper from the vendors, as had been the norm, before the internet came on board.

But all the same, we can either choose to read the newspapers online or offline. Among the people that read the newspapers daily, include ME, @avalanch!

So, let me go ahead now to look into some of the issues raised by the host of this contest and show how important the newspaper is.

First, I will provide the answers generated below by the contest host as follows:

Do you read the newspaper every day? What are its benefits?


Yes, I read the newspaper every day. But it can be either online or offline. It only depends on the most available one.

The benefits I get from reading newspapers include:

  • Enlightenment: I become more enlightened when I go through the pages of the newspapers daily.

  • Existence of useful or gainful opportunities.

I have been opportune to come across and take advantage of an investment opportunity that changed my life for good. This happened because I had my newspaper with me.

As a business data analyst, going through the pages of the newspapers has helped to deepen my understanding of some business models that are not taught in schools.

What kind of news do you usually follow?


I follow business, stocks, crypto and blockchain, and sports news.

How do most people get the news in your country?

In my country Nigeria, most people obtain their news through these 4 means:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Newspaper
  • Internet

Do you think international news is important?

Yes! International news is important. Obtaining and going through international news equips and exposes me to current happenings in the international scene such as politics, business, and education to mention just a few.




A lot of benefits have been obtained from going through the newspapers and a lot of opportunities have been lost due to not going through the pages of the newspapers.

While reading the local newspapers, also go through the international news as well. This will help to have a balanced knowledge of events happening within and outside your environment.

Thanks 🙏 to the host of this contest for reawakening the consciousness of reading the newspapers in this community.

I invite the following:

My best regards!

All images belong to me!


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