The Corona Diaries | Corona Virus Impact In My Life

50% of Rewards Donated @adollaraday and @worldsmile


The outbreak of the Corona virus has had a negative impact on the world and especially Indonesia. The Gross Domestic Product of each developing country has decreased drastically, which has implications for increasing poverty rates, unemployment due to layoffs by companies and various complex problems that continue to emerge.

As health workers who are at the forefront of medical services for those infected with the virus, we also experience very complex problems, we are required to continue to work full time to reduce the spread of this virus.

We carried out various socialization activities, visiting crowd centers to conduct sweeps using masks, together with the police and the army limiting the space for people to move in their activities and conducting home visits for those who have been infected.

The saddest thing is that when we have to quarantine residents who travel to and from outside the city, with a low level of awareness of the dangers posed, we can't do much, they still carry out risky activities by staying out of the house.

Seeing that the development of infection with the virus is getting higher, we are also based on orders from the Regional Leadership through presidential instructions, must provide Sinovac vaccination services, the result is only 12% of vaccination coverage is met.

The low vaccination coverage is inseparable from provocative news that appears on social media so that the public is worried that vaccines will only cause long-term effects, for example lowering body resistance and work productivity.

Financially, entrepreneurs and I, who own a Second car buying and selling business, experienced a very significant decline. My income has decreased drastically due to the low purchasing power of the people.
If previously I was able to sell at least 3 used cars in 1 month, when this pandemic hit the world, in just 3 months not a single car was sold.

The limited space for movement also has implications for my intensity of doing Promo-Steem directly, so I have to adopt promotional methods through entrepreneurship and online promotion strategies both via social media and designing online seminars about STEEM.

When will the pandemic pass? Only we are able to answer by complying with health procedures without being provoked by hoax issues.










cc: @pennsif

 3 years ago 

Semoga wabah Corona segera berlalu, dan mari kita istirahat...

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Assalamualaikum bang @irawandedy,saya sudah membuat tugas achievement3,jika ada yang salah mohon koreksinya bang.berikut adalah tautan achievement 3 milik saya bang :

Terimakasih banyak bang!!!mohon maaf mengganggu waktunya bang.

 3 years ago 

Sudah masuk relawan penyambut, jika saya memberikan penilaian, nanti terkesan tidak menghargainya. Maaf ya.... Komen saja pada postingan nya yang terbaru biar diberikan penilaian

 3 years ago 

Siap terimakasih banyak atas arahannya bang

 3 years ago 

Assalamualaikum bang @irawandedy,saya sudah membuat tugas achievement3,jika ada yang salah mohon koreksinya bang.berikut adalah tautan achievement 3 milik saya bang :

Terima kasih banyak bg🙏

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