"Traditional Children Games" By: @jb123



Edited by: Canva Application

Children loves to play anywhere and anytime. As part of their childhood experiences, playing all day is one of it. I want to share my personal experiences regarding with my childhood stories and the games I have when I was a kid. This contest is very interesting to me that is why, I decided to join and express my ideas about the traditional games we did back when I was a kid.

Children were very happy to see their new toys and we admit it that this is our feelings everytime when we have new toys and games created. Here in our placed, back in my childhood days, were there no still gadgets like laptops, computers, tablets, smartphone and other kinds of Gadgets, we created many different kinds of Games and we felt very enjoyable and happy about our games we invented.


If we talked about the definition of TRADITIONAL GAMES, in my own point of view, it is a kind of acts on which we always played anytime and anywhere. There are lots of traditional game we already experienced and it depends of the place and its kind of traditional games. In my personal experiences, we have many traditional games here in our Country and some of the traditional games we have;

  • Marble Games- it is a kind of games on which the small marble circles will shoot using our hands to other marbles.

  • Wheel Raising- this is a kind of games on which it is very traditional to us here. This is kind of games on which the one wheel will pushed using a paddle and then we run so that the wheels we goes round and round. We always did a raised of this game and it was very enjoyable.

  • Snake and Ladder cardboard games- this is very enjoyable games we also did back when I was a kid. We rolled a dice and counts the black dots while pointing forward until it will reach the finish line. If the place you pointed was snake, then it will start you over.

This are some of the traditional games we did during our childhood games and it was very fun and enjoyable moment.


There are games that will truly help the childrens development not only for their physical but also in their intellectual mind. The example of this are the educational games and some of the examples of this are the Scrabble, Puzzled board, identifying shapes games. This will help the children in their intellectual and have more lessons to learned and gain. The development of their mind can create more ideas and well identified the things correctly and can solve the basic problem easily.

There also games that helps the children for their body just like wheel raise. This will serve to build a strong stamina, good form of exercises and balancing of their body.

Traditional and Modern Games:

In part of my article, I will share my ideas about the different between the modern and traditional games. This answer is based on my deeply understanding. Traditional games have many good benefits to our children, there are no bad effects and it is a good form of exercises not only to childrens body but also in their mind.

If we also talked about modern games, it already involves the gadgets and other hightech things. I admit that there are already many children now-a-days that already adopted the gadgets as one of their games. There are lots of effects if we keep exposing our children in this kind of thing. First, it will affected the children's eye and brain this the most scary effects if they keep adopting the gadgets. That is why it is better to minimize or avoid them exposing the modern games.

I would like to invite @jessmcwhite, @manticao and @loloy2020 for this contest and the 10% from this post payout will be shared to @worldsmile.

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