Pre-Raphaelite Photography with Holly - A portrait
I am forever enthralled by the way in which the pre-raphaelite school of artists dappled a delicate balance of light, detail, and narrative into each and every one of their images. With lots of detail, iconography, and careful colour selection - the images are at once beautiful, haunting, and powerful.
The delicate balance of life, decay, and the contrast between youth and age are constant themes in pre-raphaelite images.
I've longed to reproduce this style in photography.
This past weekend, a local model, Holly, helped me achieve a body of work in this style. This shoot took place in my lounge room, using a combination of found objects, which make the end result even more magical.
The gown was given to her by a friend who was collecting old clothes from ancient old ladies destined for charity and op shops, and the knife was found in my kitchen, in the trusty knife block.
The set up for this image was a large soft box camera left, a reflector just in front of the model, and a fill light angled diagonally towards Holly's face.
I very, very much enjoy photographic light, and controlling it in a manner that is scientific, and accurate.
This image is published to the steem blockchain first, and will later appear on my website, instagram, and facebook business page.
I'd love to know what you all think of this - it's the best work I've produced, and I'm immensely proud of the powerful narrative, pose, and tones in the image.
Reminds me of this scene, from Last of the Mohicans.

I've not seen the film, I must put it on the watch list. :)
Great job friend!!!