The Virus That Sneaked In

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Here's a little thing I did.


Sooooooooo centralized. Looks like a virus.


Few photos I took September 2019. I tried symmetrical. But it's hard. There are all these variables outside. Wires. Pipes. Shade. Sun. Bad Sun.


Fortunately there's something called photoshop. And manipulating images. I tried mirroring the whole image, but it didn't look right. Of course it didn't. Because the world isn't symmetrical. Not this place anyway. Ended up only partially removing one of the most irritating wires.

What a waste of time that was!

Let's try another photo.

Original first.


That wire again. And where would it even go as this photo was taken at the same place and same time as the last one. Managed to crop it little differently though. So there's not that much clutter on the sides.


See what I mean? Symmetrical, unnatural. But it's funny looking though. Perhaps I should try something more. Much more!


There it is. Centralized. 90 percentish centralized. Looks funny and I just can't decide if I like it or wanna fuck it. Perhaps neither. As I said, looks funny but I think I have no other use for it.

I don't know I know how to end this post!

With music!

I have something to say to irritating viruses.

Here's my message:


Bang, I did it again... I just resteemed your post!
Week 24 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Oh, great, I also use these design techniques to create some illustrations. This looks really great. Greetings!

Thanks! I kinda like it myself too. :) Can't believe it myself that I managed to create this from a single railway picture.

I liked your idea so much that I dared to do this to you! I hope you like it, I made a small edition!

I think it really needed more color. :) Nice addition.

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I liked your idea so much that I dared to do this to you! I hope you like it, I made a small edition!

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