Art Attack! #19: A Halloween Surprise! 🎃

in OnChainArt4 years ago (edited)


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my paintings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

If you haven't caught on the last couple of posts, these pieces that I'm sharing are from a long backlog from many months ago. So in late October 2019, I decided to get back into Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (the free mobile version) and they were having a really cute Halloween event! I really liked the outfits they gave and all the Halloween-themed stuff was really cute so I decided to try drawing it!

I just wanted to draw something simple, with the characters as the focal point. And I had to use colour pencils for this since the sketchbook I was using was a cheap one I got from Daiso which is not water-absorbent at all.

But first, the sketch!

First, my villager:


Then Jack - the NPC in charge of the Halloween event:


And Isabelle!


It took some time to get the proportions just right for the characters, but I tried my best.

Since the background was kinda plain, I decided to add some decorations, including the Halloween-themed collectibles and the spooky pathway you could get in-game for your campsite!


Time to get outlining! To make things easier, I also used marker for highlights for the little embellishments.


Then it was time to get colouring! The villager wasn't too bad to colour, since the outfit was mostly black and I ended up using markers for the black parts.


But the real trouble came when I tried to colour Jack. Then I remembered why I preferred using paints. Because it's so tiring to colour with pencils! Maybe my technique was wrong, but to blend the colours together and make it smooth takes a lot of work. My hand was pretty crampy colouring Jack.

But I think he turned out really well in the end so that's good, especially considering I hadn't use colour pencils in my years.


Colouring Isabelle was fine since she was primarily 1 colour. I couldn't make the pencil marks disappear though.

AND I screwed up Jack! Unfortunately I realised a little too late that the bottom of my fist had black marks and I ended up smudging them on Jack's face! Aaaaaarrggg! 😱

I was so sad when I saw it because he was perfect until I ruined it! 😔I tried my best to fix him but it was too late.


Oh well, nothing else to do except colour in the path. Which also didn't turn out so great anyway, so whatever. Maybe I should've used a darker shade of gray.? But I didn't want to take focus away from the characters.


I think the only thing about it is the pencil marks. Maybe I should've looked up proper colouring techniques. Or it might've been the sketchbook. I'm not sure.

But anyway, I think overall it doesn't look too bad. I liked the way the Halloween candies looked, and they were pretty accurate if I do say so myself.

This was a pretty okay experiment for colour pencils, but I think imma stick to paints. It's definitely more relaxing and less tiring that's for sure.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #18: Sally & Friends! 🐤

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