Greener Energy

in LAKSHMI4 years ago

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Many environmental problems are said to be plaguing the planet. This latest innovation and long-term solutions might possibly be the solution to the crisis. You want to save Mother Earth this might help you.

Rare earth elements with unusual magnetic and electrical properties appear to be constantly pervasive in our everyday lives, from smartphones and computer screens to rechargeable batteries and military arms. These could be potentially needed for renewable energy solutions, making these metals much more important.

According to reports, people are turning to domestic mines, the ocean, and even the moon to satisfy developing demand.It is also said that there is a steady supply of these elements all around us, in smartphones and other devices, possibly just waiting to be harvested.Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.


What a great insights! Who could have thought that these elements might help our future generation!

It seems that REE is a great contributor for our industry. It helps in many different ways.

The main idea is the creation of new technologies which do not damage the natural resources. for

This could make a great contribution to solve the crisis!

As our wold today dependent on electronics these might be our new (UPS) uninterrupted power supply

I thought I heard applause! This breakthrough could pave the way for future success!

wow! great innovation. this might potentially improve our daily lives.

These Innovation might be the answer to our future

Wow! These could potentially benefit natural resources!

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