Their Smiles Everything For Us, As Givers For Them

in zzan4 years ago (edited)
Kami terus berpetualangan mencari orang-orang miskin dan membantu semampu kami tentunya.
We continue on an adventure to find poor people and help as much as we can of course.
Program mulia ini di cetus pertama kali oleh salah satu team dari pendiri @aceh-media, sejalan waktu berjalan ,kami terus mendapatkan kemudahan lahir dan batin , dengan satu alasan tersebut kami ingin terus melanjutkan program berkelanjutan ini.
This noble program was initiated for the first time by one of the team of the founders of @aceh-media, as time goes by, we continue to get physical and mental convenience, for one reason we want to continue this sustainable program.
Dalam kesempatan yang sangat indah dan sangat mulia ini kami mempublikasikan beberapa momen sempurna kami.
In this very beautiful and very glorious occasion we are publishing some of our perfect moments.
Namun, dalam hal ini maksud dan tujuan kami adalah untuk bisa kita membuka diri dan membuka mata hati kita kepada saudara-saudara kita, yang masih banyak membutuhkan uluran kasih sayang dari kita.
However, in this case our intention and goal is to be able to open ourselves and open the eyes of our hearts to our brothers and sisters, who still need a lot of affection from us.
Itulah dasar dari petualangan kami dalam gerakan kemanusiaan yang kami lakukan , tentu semampu kami dan sekarang : kami bersyukur bahwa ideologi ini sudah sinkron kami bertiga untuk bisa terus membatu fakir dan miskin serta anak yatim di lingkaran lingkungan tempat kami.
That is the basis of our adventures in the humanitarian movement that we carry out, of course as best as we can and now: we are grateful that the three of us have synchronized this ideology to be able to continue to petrify the needy and the poor as well as the orphans in our neighborhood circle.
Dalam photo di bawah ini ada beberapa momen yang kami ambil disaat kami turun bertiga dan untuk sementara baru dua orang dari tim kami yang terlihat dalam photo berbagi .
In the photo below there are some moments that we took when the three of us were down and for the time being only two of our team were seen in the photo sharing.

Our suggestions and support await in the comments column !!!





Image without edits belowand there is one photo that we posted before











Although a little, but their smiles are everything to us.

09 November 2020


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