US Government Won't Allow Corporates to Keep Replacing Dollars With Bitcoin, Warns Investment Advisor

in Steem Links4 years ago


Dan Nathan, the founder of Risk Reversal Advisors, says that the U.S. government will not keep allowing corporations like Elon Musk’s Tesla to replace dollars with bitcoin. They won’t “let the dollar fall away from being the reserve currency for the world,” which could happen if corporations keep replacing dollars in their balance sheets with bitcoin.

US Government Won't Allow Corporates to Keep Replacing Dollars With Bitcoin, Warns Investment Advisor


But can they force us to use something that sucks?

Two people invent money. one works better than the other. But one guys said you're only allowed to use the worse one.

This doesn't seem to me like it will last a long time. Eventually the USA will have to give in. maybe not now, or in ten years. but eventually they will get tired of forcing us to take the losing bet.