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RE: Unlikely

in Freewriters12 days ago

Wow! Good for you relaxing watching movie. I want to do like this bit honestly if I watch movie, I could not finish it. It made me sleep quickly. That's why I just watch the finale the start and the end. Hehehe.

 10 days ago 

Seriously? LOL How about watching a part and next evening you watch the next part? Don't ask.. . I have had times I watched an episode for over 2 weeks because I always fell asleep. The only film I can't watch is James Bond. I fall asleep and it's not interesting enough to give it a try again.

Hahaha, I am not interesting about watching movie, it made me fall asleep like I am riding in a car even I'm short time, my boss laugh at me when they heard me snoring

 9 days ago 

So you are always awake because you are snoring? How about your employer?

At least you have a good remedieif you can't sleep. 😁
